Chapter 37: A Boss

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Keira's POV
I told Daniil Popov to meet me at a public place. I picked an alfresco restaurant where a shooter can be at an elevated window in case something goes wrong. When Mancini arranged fir a shooter I was against it but he told me that this is his world and he knows it better than I do. It made logical sense to have a shooter. He chose to stay out of it because he doesn't want anyone to know he's alone. He's staying with the kids. They seem to like him. I left them playing soccer.

I can see Daniil and another man waiting already. Darya is in the trunk, mouth taped shut wnd bound with rope.

I took a look at myself in the mirror and sighed at the familiarity of these bruised. A black eye, a split lip, a neck that could have been snapped... Man ini said no make up. He said I should not cover by battle scars. They are a reminder to anyone who dares to hurt me that I am a fighter. His words, not mine. I would have covered it all up with makeup because that's what I know how to do. Cover things up. Save face. Keep up an appearance.

I chose to wore a red dress and black red bottoms. A simple clutch is in my hand with a little gun strapped to my thigh. He gave it back. It's the gun he took from me when he found me on the side of the road, running away from Italy. The mistress is what Gio called it. Mancini told me to shoot him in the balls, right under the table. I laughed at that part but he was serious.

I adjusted my sun hat and sunglasses and proceeded to the table. As soon as I got there the two of them stood up.

I have never met Theo's uncle. I have never met his cousins either until Darya started harassing me.

"Keira, it's lovely..." He paused when I took off my sunglasses and hat and he really got to see my face. Yes, it's the awkwardness of looking at battle scars. People never know what to say. He awkwardly looked at the other man who is making strong eye contact. He's making me uncomfortable but Mancini said strong eye contact always. "... please sit."

Like gentlemen they remained standing as I took a seat.

"This is my son Ruzik." He made an introduction.

Mancini reminded me not to be a snob. He said I should acknowledge everyone at the table, either with a nod, a polite smile or words should I feel more generous.

A polite smile will do. I don't like the way he's looking at me.

"What happened to you?"

Mancini said Daniil Popov appreciates blunt honesty. He may throw a fit but he values that above flattery and sugarcoating things.

"Your daughter and five Russian men."

"You want us to believe you..." Ruzik looked me over with disdain. "...survived five Russian men twice your size?"

"I shot the one who tried to rape me. I shot the one who tried to beat me up and shoot me. I shot the other two who tried to take my daughters."

"That's four."

"The fifth one was a coward. He ran like a little girl."

Daniil broke into a smile. "Let me look at you." He held my chin and began to turn my head sideways. "You fought hard. I didn't expect it from you, porcelain doll."

I gently pushed his hand away. "Enough. Terms of your daughter's return."

"You don't set the terms for anything!" Ruzik snarled at me.

"It seems you are not open for discussion. I'm leaving." Mancini said I shouldn't push or beg. I stay calm and if I feel it's time to leave I should.

Ruzik grabbed hold of my wrist. I used my free hand to palm him in the face. The swift aggression isn't premeditated. It's a reaction to what I've been through.

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