Chaoter 28: Gone

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The night before...

Nick's POV
I'm not fit to be running. I'm heaving and puffing like I'll pass out in a second. I'm not that old. I'm only thirty two... okay, almost thirty three. I should still be able to run but my heart is not having it. I can almost hear Kei reprimanding me.

I stopped to catch my breath. I found some support against a street lamp. Brian Lance didn't expect to see us, let alone for us to chase him down. It's a quite a way for a billionaire to spend his night, chasing a former cop around in the darkness. He and his partner ran in opposite directions. I went after Lance and Katya went after his partner.

"Come on Nick. Come on!" I reprimanded myself for stopping.

I was about to move when Katya startled me.

"Are you seriously slacking off?" She snapped at me.

"I'm catching my breath." I spoke slowly.

"Don't die on me. Which direction did he go."

I pointed and she took off, running through the woods like she forged a path already. I took a few more seconds before I followed.

It's an unusually dark night. Given I'm not nocturnal, I have tripped a few times and had a few close calls with branches almost smacking me in the face.

I can hear voices.

It's Katya.

I found them engaged in a fist fight. Katya has taken a few punches and he has just pinned her down, fighting to keep his knife from stabbing her.

"Get off her." I pointed my gun at him. "Now."

He lifted his hands, knife still in his right hand. "Bonnie and Clyde."

"Drop the knife." He got up. "Easy."

As soon the knife dropped, Katya took it.

"You know what, I win."

"I don't see how this is a victory." I got closer with my gun still pointed at him. "You are on the other side of the barrel."

"Even if I die, the confessions of a 50% gangster still come out, names and all. How do you think Mancini will react once he finds out you leaked his name?"

"Where is the recording?"

"Gone with the wind. Here's the best part Balotelli. If I die tonight, they will know it was you."

"Are you that desperate to see my downfall?"

"Yes!" He screamed. "I am! Because of you, my niece was murdered! You did it!"

He is shaking with rage. I lowered my gun, holding it to my side.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You have children. They will become teenagers soon. How would you feel if someone pumped them full of drugs? When they become hopeless addicts and end up being murdered when they try to break free! You are a monster. All that money is dirty! You are dirty! You are a criminal and you deserve -"


I pulled the trigger before Katya's warning could be sounded. He fell back and remained still. Katya moved swiftly, checking if he's still alive.

"Gone. He's gone." She informed me.

I feel paralyzed. My arm fell to my side. I have a choking feeling in my throat, breathing feels a little difficult. Panic and fear is starting to grip me as it did nineteen years ago when I shot someone. Back then I froze just like this.

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