Chapter One

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"And as we fade, failing the ones we trust, falling behind our luck, coming apart with in - You guys have been amazing!!! Thank you for coming out!! We love you!! Goodnight St. Louis!!" I bowed to the crowd and watched as the rest of the band did as well. I linked arms with our lead guitarist and my best friend Jarvia, and walked off stage.
"That was insane!"
"They were so pumped!"
I laughed as George and Alex jumped around. George was our bassist and screamer - since the rest of us couldn't scream to save our lives- and Alex was our rhythm guitarist. Our drummer, Jase, just laughed. I was the lead singer, along with Jarvia. We switched it out from time to time. When I wasn't singing, I was doing backing vocals and playing the piano. George and Alex were brothers from Dallas, Texas. I had met them at Warped Tour a few years back. Jase was a freelance drummer that I had come across on Youtube. I had messaged him and we met up. Jarvia and I have been best friends since our Sophomore year in high school. We did absolutely everything together. She had gone with me to Warped Tour where we met George and Alex. We all had the same tastes in music. We were punk rockers, mixed with a little metal. And we were a close knit band. We were all there for each other. Like a family almost. We walked to our dressing room to find a man standing in it.
"Hi. I'm representative from the Vans Warped Tour. According to your dressing room you guys are the band 'This Too Shall Pass' correct?"
"Uh, yes sir that's us."
"My name is Michael and I'm with the Vans Warped Tour recruiting team of 2013. I'm here to inform you that you have been selected as one of this years headlining bands."
"Before you all start freaking out, please, take this information packet. We look forward to seeing you preform." He handed me an information packet and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind us.
"OH MY GOD!!!" Jarvia started jumping in place. Before I knew what was happening, we were all in a huge group huge jumping up and down.
"Guys!! Calm down! Let's read the packet!" They all sat on the couch eager to hear what it said.
'This Too Shall Pass', we are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to headline this years Vans Warped Tour. Vans Warped Tour this year will start in San Fransisco, California on June 1st and will end in Agustus, Maine, August 3rd. There will be additional European dates that as a headlining band you will be required to attend. Included in this packet are information cards for your bus, driver, and techs. They will need one in order to assist you in this event. Included also are your passes. Please be at the starting location two days before kick off. We look forward to seeing you.
"Kick off is June 1st? Today is May 23rd." I nodded at Alex.
"I say we start heading out now. We can get there before everyone else and look at the venue before everyone else." I nodded at Jarvia. "Those in favor say vag."
"Vagggggyyyyy" I laughed at their unison. "Let's get packin then."
We went back to the stage and started helping our techs take down everything and get it loaded into the equipment van. When we were done we all loaded into the van and headed towards San Fran.
Towards Warped Tour.

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