Chapter Thirty-Four

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"This. Is. INCREDIBLE!!!!!!" Sammi and I were bouncing around like kids in a candy shop. Every inch was covered in Lolita, Victorian, Gothic, and Steampunk styles.

"This is so perfect!! Thank you Juliet!!!" I hugged her and she laughed.

"Okay. The stuff in here is kinda pricey."

"Don't worry about it. Ever since I was born my Gma has put back 750,000 dollars each year as my spending money from her for my wedding. I'm 23. You do the math."

"That's 17,250,000." Carlie looked like she was about to pass out.

"Carlie. Calm down. It's a 17 even. I spent the other 250 thousand on wedding presents for Jarvia, Juliet, Sammi, and I already have yours out when you and Jacky decide to get married. My gma is a loaded woman, and she likes to spend it on other people. When I was younger and had moved from there to the states, she'd send me 3,000 dollars every month to do whatever I pleased with it." They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"I donated it. Alot of it went towards a college fund for my brother."

"You're so considerate. Wait!! Who's going to walk you down the isle?"

"My gma. She's more important to me than my father will ever be. So we have to get stuff for her too."

"Aww. Okay!! Let's get to it ladies!!!" We shopped around for a whole three hours. One of the sales clerks helped us find everything we were looking for.

"We can't decide on a bridesmaid dress." Juliet looked bummed.

"Or. You can just each get the dress you want. I'm not a fan of everyone wearing the same dress. I mean yeah those all look similar, but they're different designs. And we could do matching jewelry and shoes."

"Ooooooh. I like that idea."

"Good. Jarvia, let's narrow it down to one for you." We had come to two different dresses, one was a purple and white and the other was a blue and white.

"Didn't you say one of the colors was blue?"


"Blue it is then." She hung up the purple one. We spent another hour and a half looking for jewelry and such to go with it. I had picked a white dress for my gma, since she was walking down the isle with me. We finally got everything and went to the register to ring everything up.

"Your total is $3,981.05". 

"That's a really good steal actually. For everything."

"Are you sure you rang up everything?" The lady checked everything again and the nodded.

"You get a discount since you're a wedding party."

"Oooooh. That makes sense." I handed her the card that went to my wedding account and she slid it. I signed the reciept and we grabbed all of our bags and such.

"This is going to be interesting."

"Okay. Everything but dresses go in the trunk first. Then all of our dresses except Jenns can go in the trunk." Everyone looked at Juliet like she was crazy.

"There's alot of space in my trunk. I cleaned it out for this occasion."

"I can hold my dress."

"Nonsense. There's a hook in the back. And it can go on my side. I don't mind."

"You sure Sammi?"

"Positive, just let me get in." We piled into the car and then put the dress up on the hook.

"You comfy Sammi?"

"Very actually. Now who's house are you going to hide this at?"


"We can hide it at mine. Jacky won't tell the boys what it looks like." I nodded at Carlie.

"Let's go get some food. I'm starving. Pizza Hut okay with you guys?" We all nodded and after we dropped the dress off at Carlie's, we headed towards Pizza Hut.

'Cause I know that someone, somewhere, praying that I make it home'.


"Hi love."

"Hi Danny, dear."

"What are you up to?"

"We're at Pizza Hut. We just got finished getting the dresses and all that good stuff. Well not tuxes. But that's a you and me thing-"

"-OR A YOU AND SAMMI/JULIET THING" I looked at Juliet who had just yelled in the place.

"-I'd rather go with you."

"I thought so."

"So you've got your dress?"

"Yes. And no you don't get to see it."

"Aw. Do you care if Ben and I join you?"

I took the phone from my ear. "Call and see if Andy, Jeremy and Jacky want to join us."

"They're already on their way." I stuck my tongue out at Sammi. That girl was ahead of the game.

"Yeah. Come on love."

"Okay. I'll see you in a few."

"Okay. Love you. Bye.


"You two are so cute."

"No let me tell you who's cute. Sammi and Jeremy. Freaking. Cute and UGH!" Jarvia threw her hands up.

"Girl. You and Ben are cuter."

"Carlie and Jacky are adorable."

"We're all cute!!!"

"Excuse me ladies, but I believe we are much better looking." I looked over to see our boys standing there posing.

"Yep. They've got us beat." We pulled two tables together and sat next to each other accordingly.

"Let me guess. A pepperoni, a supreme, and a cheese."

"Damn it Andy. Stop guessing everything right." He kissed Juliet and I got up. Danny looked at me.

"Refill. Do you need one love?"

"I do."


"Yes ma'am." I nodded and walked over to the drink machine. I got my rootbeer and was in the process of getting Danny's coke when I felt someone grab my ass. I put the cup down and turned around.

"What the hell?"

"Hey baby. Wanna get out of here?"

"One. I'm engaged. Two. If you're so pathetic that you have to sink down to Pizza Hut as to pick up ladies, you need to give up." I turned around to finish filling the cup and then walked away with our drinks. I looked over my shoulder to see whoever the guy was staring at me. I sat down at the table and Danny put two piece of pepperoni with some ranch infront of me.

"You know me so well." He kissed my knuckles and then ate.

"So when are you two going to look at tuxes?"

"I honestly think it should be Sammi and I and then Danny and you boys. Juliet should probably go too."

"Good thing you guys took the year off huh?"

"Yeah. With Jarvia wedding earlier this year, George's wedding and now ours we would have been under a hell of pressure."

"We need a girls night. We should kick Danny out this weekend and you all come over for a girls night."

"I like that idea." I nodded at Jarvia

"Girls?" Carlie, Sammi and Juliet nodded.

"It's decided. Love, you're being kicked out." He fake sighed and I kissed his cheek.

"Go stay with Ben. Just don't love him more than me." We all laughed and finished our meal. When we were done, I rode back home with Danny.

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