Chapter Three

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We all stood quiet for a minute until Andy coughed. "Well this is awkward."

I shook my head and walked over to Danny. "Hi. I'm Jennifer. Andy just gave you a loose run down of who's kinda who. Jase is the drummer, George is the bassist, Alex is the rhythm guitarist, Jarvia is the lead, and I'm the singer. We're 'This Too Shall Pass'."

"Hey. I'm Danny -" just then their bus door opened, and out walked Ben Bruce, "-that shithead is Ben."

"Suck my cock Danny who are-" he had been scanning through us until he landed on Jarvia, which he went completely silent on. Jarvia looked up at him -she'd been staring at the ground- and they had this awkward eye contact thing. The kind you see in movies, only it was actually happening.

"Ben you dick, stop staring." The both snapped out of whatever state they were in and looked at Danny.

"Ben, that's Jarvia? I think I got that right. Two blondes are George and Alex. Not sure which ones which, wasn't paying that much attention. That dude is Jase, and this one here is Jennifer, who i'm sure is somehow related to Andy."

"And exactly why do you say that?" Andy looked interested in whatever his answer was going to be.

"Have you not seen her eyes? I've been staring at them for the past 5 minutes."

"Awww! Jen is blushing."

"Suddup Biersack!" He laughed at me and Danny looked between us.

"Jen's eyes have more silver to them. Mine are just more blue." It was true. My eyes went from a dark blue to a light blue to a silver.

"They're gorgeous."

"Thanks. Where'd Ben and Jarvia go?" I had just noticed that they left.

"That is an excellent question. Let's go look." Danny and I walked around the parking lot looking for them, with no such luck. We finally found them on the main stage sitting talking about god knows what.

"They seem to be enjoying themselves."

"This is true. Have you looked around the venue before?"

"Nope. First time playing here."

"Come on. I'll show you around." I linked my arm through his and we started off around the venue. This time around the showing was alot slower, probably because we were walking slower. Throughout the little tour we made some small talk, mostly him asking about our band. I told him that we were from all over the country and that we were a relatively young band, only being signed two years ago. We chitchated some more talking about random stories and arrived back at the gate.

"I think you are one of the only girl musicians that don't come off as a bitch."


"Did you just giggle?"


"You totally did."

"Did not."

"Whatever. Has your manager told you yet?"

"Told me what?"

"That you're doing a Bryan Stars interview with me and Andy."

"Just me?"


"I did not know-"

"Jennifer!! There you are. You, Danny and Andy have a Bryan Stars interview the first day of the tour before the gates open." I looked from Danny to our manager Austin and laughed. Danny joined in with me and Austin just walked away looking at us weird.

"Well. Now I know."

"Indeed. I'm gonna head back to my bus, it looks like it's going to rain." I looked up and sure enough, the storm clouds were back.   

"Báisteach dúr."


"Oh. Sorry. I said stupid rain."

"In what language."


"Woa-" I didn't hear the rest of what he said, because the bottom dropped and it started to pour. I waved bye and ran back to my bus, standing by the door so I could let Jarvia in when she got there. She arrived soon after and we both laughed at each other

To The Stage - An Asking Alexandria Fanfic-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora