11| Nessun Dorma

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Dear readers,
I had to learn 4 years worth of lessons in a week, so logically I spend all my time studying. But NOW! I'm back, I passed every exam and I will have much more time to write. Glad to be back.

I consider this chapter my best so far.

Please enjoy.


*Knock- knock.*

The light motion sensor didn't detected any movement on the hallway for second, so as always the lights went off. Sometimes I wonder what else did I miss? Bucky looked up at the sensor with mixed curiosity and distrust and thanks to that it lit up yet again. Even after a few years of acclimatisation in Wakanda, he still fell like on a foreign planet.

Anyway, he patiently waited for someone to answer the door. There was no shuffling on the other side... no voices... nothing. Maybe this is not the addres-.

The door opened, revealing just the person he was looking for. In all of her sleeping glory, Michelle Syankova, ladies and gentlemen.

Seeing his face was such surprise, that she nearly closed the door again, just to make sure this isn't any form of dream. Michelle narrowed her eyes and furrowed her brows, "Good evening, Sergeant." She out of habit gave him a quick check up, just looking for guns or any weapons in particular. The brunette was not new to the concept of getting stabbed in the back. On the other hand, Bucky just stood there dumbfounded, frozen in space, because he had never seen her real face. She looks different, don't get me wrong... not in the bad way.

For example, her cheekbones were more prominent from the time he last saw her, there was also no scar on her earlobe and those perfectly shaped lips. And James Buchanan Barnes was a gentleman, he would never touch a woman without her consent, but he definitely can appreciate one's beauty.

From Michelle's view, he shamelessly stared at her. She wasn't aware that he was trying to remember her face as clearly as possible, every smallest details on her face. She IN FACT didn't know what the hell was he doing here? How did he found her? What tha fuck was happening? And most important... Where was Rafael?

When she heard a knock, she automatically went to get Rafael to answer the door, for he was the closest one to the exit. But na-ah, Rafael decided to go somewhere alone, without telling me where he headed or when he will be back. Idiot-

Maybe he remembers me, and that would be a disaster. These two idiots met... and if y'all guessed it was thanks to HYDRA, then yes it was thanks to HYDRA. The M.O.R. commando had somehow higer position than Winter Soldier. On joined missions it was them who gave him orders.

She cleared her throat to get Bucky to snap out of it. Michelle never really liked when men had done this, but she hoped that Bucky was just old and antisocial plus he didn't know what to do after seeing her... With a jolt of his head he realised what he was doing and shaked his head to get the thought away.

"Yeah~," he breathed out, "you look different... sorry."

Like a little boy caught stealing pies by his mother. Michelle had to breath a laugh. "Why are you here, Sergeant?"

"Oh- you are a wanted criminal and there are people who want you arrested."

"My, my~ you came to arrest me?" She lightly flirted with him, trying to see even more reactions of this old man. However now it was not the time. He gulped and turned his head to cover his slight blush . She wasn't joking when she said I wasn't ready for her flirting.

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