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In almost every household, there is something that happens at end time when there is an event near.

For example, my sister forgot to buy her hijab that matches her dress for the wedding. Which brings us why we are at the mall one day before her rukhsati.

Yes, her rukhsati.

"End time par sab kuch yaad aata hai tumhe bhi." you always remember things at end time. Ammi scolds Hafsah api as soon as we enter a shop.

"Sorry, Ammi." my sister mutters.

"Don't sorry me and pick what you want."

I press my lips together to suppress my laugh. Catching my act, my sister pinches my arm making me wince before she walks away with a smile. I follow her, rubbing my arm.

Ammi continues to scold api every now and then but we know she's only doing this to mask her sadness because after tomorrow, api won't be around much as she used to.

It saddens us all. Api is the first child of our parents and my best friend. The only friend actually. She helped me go through so much when I lost my voice. She was the first one to learn sign language and teach me. She has kept me by her side through every chapter. But now she's starting a kind of chapter where she can't keep me by her side.

The longer Ammi and api take to pick the perfect hijab, the harder it becomes for me to suppress my yawn. If shopping doesn't include me having to focus and choose something then I immediately get bored.

I can go buy my painting utensils.

I tap my sister's shoulder and she turns to face me.

"I can't stop myself from yawning. I'm going to go and buy some painting stuff." I sign to her.

She chuckles, "Okay. keep your phone close and be safe."

I show her a thumbs up before she goes back to listening to Ammi and I leave the shop.

I walk around the floor before I spot a shop which contains the necessities I need. I enter the shop and go towards the painting section.

Since I love painting, I decided to give my sister and her husband a meaningful painting as their wedding gift. Api said I don't need to give her anything but I still will because why am I a younger sister if I don't ignore what my sister says. Sometimes.

I need few paints to finish the painting and some other things, such as small canvases for my new paintings.

After gathering all my necessities, I walk towards the checkout counter.

I pay for my stuff and exit the shop while checking if I have everything.

I frown.

Something is missing-

"You dropped this."

I halt on my steps at the masculine voice. My shoulders suddenly locking in place. Slowly turning around, I notice the person holding out the packet of paint brushes that was missing from the bag.

How did that fall out?

I take the packet from his hand and pull out my phone to type out a 'thank you'

As I turn the phone to show him the text, I catch his features.

The first thing I notice are his eyes.

His dark brown eyes. So dark that they almost look black. But they're so so beautiful.

He's beautiful.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟎𝟏Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat