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As much as weddings are fun. They're also very tiring.

Especially when the events combine two traditions, expanding the wedding.

I was woken up early against my will and dragged to the parlor with my sister. Granted, my early was one in the afternoon but still.

Anyways, it's probably been hours since we've arrived at the banquet. Api has already taken her place at the stage. The entrance of the bride was amazing. Not only did my api looked beautiful, Zahid and her couldn't suppress their grin. And I succeeded in not making a face and getting my picture ruined.

After the bridal entrance, I walked around with my cousins, greeting guests. I met some people I've never met in my life but they claim they used to take care of me. I honestly didn't know what to say to them so I just smiled and nodded.

Now, we cousins are just standing in a corner chit chatting.

Correction: they're chit chatting, I'm only listening. I'm a great listener.

"Did anyone see how good looking Zahid bhai's brother is?" Kameela asks with a grin. My body locks at her question while everyone starts to agree, quietly squealing and giggling. When they look at me, I give them a small smile.

"He's probably single. He didn't bring anyone," Asiya points out, "he seems quiet too."

He only speaks when he feels comfortable.

I frown at my own thoughts.

What was that?

I shake my head, I'm too tired.

"I might just tell Ammi that I like someone to marry," Kameela says before everyone starts to giggle.

The giddiness doesn't hit me. I don't even smile. Instead a weird kind of ache forms in my chest.

No. This is not happening.

I am no one to feel this way for a man who I have met only twice in my life and don't know anything about except for his name and his relation with my sister's husband.

The tiredness is messing with my internal system. That's the only reason for the ache. I need to fix this.

So, I excuse myself from my cousin and start to make my way towards the VIP section. It's not exactly a VIP section, there are only sofas placed instead of tables. Api and I grew up calling that section VIP.

I squeeze my way through some groups of people who are blocking the way. Here's where I wish I could speak because no one is hearing and apparently not feeling that someone is trying to walk behind them.

I release an inaudible yelp when someone steps on my lehnga.

Are you kidding me?


I pull my lehnga, releasing a harsh breath and finally walk out of the crowd-

I halt in my step when my dupatta starts to leave my shoulder. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Ya Allah, give me patience.

I turn around and my body freezes when I catch where my dupatta got stuck.

In Faizan's watch.

Out of everything, it had to be his watch.

He blinks at the end of my dupatta which is stuck in his watch before he looks up and our gaze locks.

Immediately, my cheeks heat.

What is wrong with me?

I blink and he focuses on his watch, starting to untangle my dupatta from it.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟎𝟏Where stories live. Discover now