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The atmosphere in the office becomes a lot more comforting after Bill’s termination. Everyone was shocked to know that Bill was terminated so quickly because we thought he’d get a warning notice. But turns out, he already had three complaints made against him so the only option was to terminate him.

I let api know the reason behind his termination before she took out another meaning of it. She’s delusional.

I also told her about the Shoaib incident that he was threatening ammi abbu to make me marry him. Saying api was angry would be an understatement. She was livid. She was ready to go to his house and give him a piece of her mind.

As much as I hate Shoaib and would love him to leave me alone, I don’t want my sister to get hurt. And I do not trust Shoaib to just listen to api scolding him and not harm her.

Either way, I need to find a way to make him leave me alone. I am not marrying him at any cost.

“Okay, everyone, let’s take a break,” David says after a while. We’ve been peacefully working in our office without any distraction. Since we don’t have Bill to annoy us, we are more focused and usually don’t check the time.

Everyone starts collecting their things and heads out of the office. I make my way towards the break room and take my seat at the corner table.

I take out my sketchbook and my pen, open a blank page and hover my pen over it, waiting for something to hit me so I can draw something.

I haven’t been getting inspiration to draw anything. The last painting I did was for Api and Zahid bhai- which they loved- but after that, it has been blank.

I have empty canvases laying around at home. I keep my sketch book with me at all times, incase inspiration hits me. I haven’t even been getting ideas at 3 AM, like I used. Then I would stay up all night sketching it then paint it in the morning.

Don’t tell ammi, I will get in trouble.

I release an exhausting sigh and drop my head on the table.

Maybe if I stay like this, some idea will hit me-

I lift my head when my phone dings with a notification. I open my phone and find api’s chat.

I’m near F&F Innovation. If you’re free, want to have lunch?

Just then my stomach growls. I look down and poke my stomach.

You’re lucky, there aren’t many people here.

Most of them go to the ground floor break room.

I lift my head and text api.

Yup! See you at the entrance

I quickly drop my things in my bag and get up from my seat. I quickly make my way towards the elevator and wait for it to come up.

As soon as the elevator opens, I freeze.

Faizan is the only one standing inside, leaning back with his legs crossed, scrolling through his phone.

He looks up and freezes as well.

I nervously bite my lips and look to the side.

Maybe I should take the stairs-

I look back to the elevator just when Faizan gets up, tucking his phone and walks out of the elevator.

He disappears behind the wall and I hop into the elevator before it closes.

He probably was going to come out anyway.

After a moment, the elevator opens into the lobby and I step out. Just then, api walks in from the entrance. She smiles and waves as I rush my way towards her, engulfing her in a hug.

When we pull away, I sign, “what were you doing around here?”

“There’s a mall here, I went shopping.”


“I brought us food,” she says, holding up a bag.

“Okay, let’s go to the breakroom.”

I lead api towards the breakroom and tell her to take a seat at an empty table while I go and get us some plates.

Just when I’m about to go back to api, I catch Faizan descending the stairs. I blink at him as he steps off the last stair and meets Farhan halfway, who’s frowning.

“Why did you take the stairs?” he asks.

“Because I wanted to,” he says and walks by him.

“You have never taken the stairs,” he calls behind him before following him, "You're acting so weird these days."

I stay rooted in place, processing what just happened.

Did he…

No. nope. He said he wanted to take the stairs.

Why would you take the stairs if you have an elevator?

Good question.

I shake my head. What is wrong with me? I’m talking to myself.

I turn around and walk towards our table.

And throughout the day, I try not to think too much of his gesture.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟎𝟏Where stories live. Discover now