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The day of my internship, anxiety fills itself in the pit of my stomach.

I’ve been nervous since last night. I couldn’t sleep, I tossed around in my bed thinking of various scenarios about how this day could go wrong. I got half an hour of sleep then woke up to pray Tahajjud and made tons of dua, including that the day goes well.

I couldn’t eat breakfast properly because I thought I’d throw up. But then I regretted not eating breakfast and ended up snacking during recess while completing an assignment.

Now, I’m standing outside the F&F Innovation building with anxiety creeping back into my body.

The exterior of the building is sleek and contemporary, with clean lines and a facade of glass and steel that reflects the sunlight in dazzling patterns. The building stands tall and imposing, its angular silhouette cutting sharply against the sky. 

Glass panels stretch from floor to ceiling, offering glimpses into the bustling interior. From this vantage point, I can see the reception area, where a desk sits beneath an expansive awning, welcoming visitors inside.

Above the entrance, the company logo is displayed prominently, guiding visitors and employees alike to their destination within the building.

A mix of excitement and nervousness travels through my body as I take a deep breath, clutching my bag tightly. Reciting Bismillah, I step forward and enter the building.

The cool air hits me as I enter the building. Some people are standing by the reception- students my age- asking for guidance.

Just when I make my way towards the reception, the students go in a different direction and the receptionist looks at me with a smile, “Hi, welcome to F&F Innovation, how can I help you?”

I smile and wave before taking out my phone and typing on it.

Hi, I’m here for the internship. I can’t speak so I’m communicating with my phone.

“Oh, of course. Your name?”

Arzo Saeed.

“Alright,” she types something on her computer then nods and takes out an identity card from her drawer, “here you go, here’s your identity card.” she hands it to me, “kindly take the elevator to the fifth floor, all interns are in the meeting room. Miss Kylie will be conducting an introduction.”

I nod then type, okay, thank you very much.

She smiles, “no problem. Have a great day.”

You too.

I make my way towards the elevator and step inside. I press the button to the fifth floor and the door to the elevator closes.

After a moment, the elevator opens on the fifth floor. I step out of the elevator and make my way towards the glass meeting room through which I can see interns sitting inside, talking.

I enter the room as quietly as I can and thankfully, no one looks up or stares into my soul. I take my seat and put down my bag.

“Hey,” a girl from beside me says with a smile, “I’m Camryn. What’s your name?”

I take out my phone and type.

I’m Arzo, nice to meet you.

She frowns a little, “Why did you type that?”

I can’t speak. This is one way of communicating aside from sign language.

“Oh, okay, sorry,” she awkwardly smiles then slowly turns back to talking to the other girls- which are probably her friends.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞 | 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟎𝟏Where stories live. Discover now