Chapter 5 || Zaiden

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6 hours is probably not enough. But I can always buy more time. I have stacks of cash laying around.

I booked the mall. I don't know what drove me to this point. But I just want to see her smile.

It was so addictive. 

I didn't take drugs, yet... her smile was my high.

Even though we have barely spent time together, I found myself drawn to her. 

I drove towards the mall at a high speed. The road was quite empty because of the ungodly hour. I didn't worry about crashing into another car. Insurance would have my back. And not a single scratch would be found on Dahlia's body, even if a microscope was used.

Within a few minutes, I could see the cold, utilitarian exterior of Mall of Capitalism. Its facade, a symphony of concrete and steel, bore no sentimentality, only efficiency, though, Dahlia's presence would change that . The entrance was flanked by imposing structures, devoid of any adornment save for a stark sign displaying the mall's name in bold.

Nexus Plaza.


Could have that changed in minutes if I wanted to.

Armani Luxe Plaza.

Suits. I'm taking that into consideration.

I park in front of the mall. It is mine for the next 6 hours, or maybe even more if I wanted to see Dahlia smile.

I get out of the car and walk to the other car door. I open it for Dahlia and wait for her to get out.

"What are we doing here?" she asked, curious

If only you knew.

"Thought you liked shopping." I replied, shutting the car door behind her.

"Yeah... How'd you know?"

Shit. I'm going to have to be careful with what I say.

"All girls do. Thought you'd like it too." I say blankly, hoping I hadn't given anything away. 

All that practicing of keeping a poker face did not go to waste after all.

She nods.

"So... Why is it all so empty? There is no one here.."

I controlled the urge to smirk. "I booked it for a few hours." I look at my watch, "5 hours and 56 minutes to be exact."

She looked at me with wide eyes. And god that did something to me. 

"You did WHAT?"

"You heard me the first time. Don't make me say it again."

She gulped and my gaze darted to her, wondering what thoughts raced through her mind as she hesitated, the weight of unspoken words heavy in the air between us.

"What's wrong? You don't want to go in?"
"No.. its not that but I'm just... confused.."
"Confused? What is confusing about this?"

She dragged in a long breath and sighed. 

"I don't understand what you're doing... you're mean to me... then you book a mall for me-"

I put my finger on her lips, unconsciously. "Shh. Just enjoy it while I spoil you"

 As she gulped, I noticed a faint flush creeping up her neck, the subtle rise and fall of her chest betraying the nervous flutter in her heart. Her eyes flickered, momentarily avoiding mine before returning, wide and vulnerable, as if seeking reassurance or perhaps daring me to understand the tumult of emotions swirling within her. It was in that unguarded moment that I glimpsed the raw authenticity beneath her facade, a captivating vulnerability that stirred something deep within me.

I withdrew my hand from her face.

"Shall we go in?"


I smiled at her and gently placed my hand on the small of her waist, leading her into the mall.

The vast expanse of the mall stretched out before me, devoid of the usual throngs of shoppers and bustling activity. With the entire space booked exclusively for our use, an eerie tranquility settled over the normally vibrant corridors and spacious atriums.

The overhead lights cast a soft, diffused glow, illuminating the polished floors and gleaming storefronts with a gentle radiance. Shadows danced along the walls, creating an almost surreal ambiance that emphasized the emptiness of the once bustling complex.

Rows of empty benches and seating areas lined the corridors, their vacant seats a stark contrast to the usual scene of patrons relaxing or catching up with friends. The escalators stood silent and still, their steps motionless as if frozen in time, while the elevators remained stationed on their respective floors, their doors closed tight against the absence of passengers.

The air hung heavy with a sense of solitude, broken only by the faint echo of my footsteps as I traversed the empty expanse. The silence was punctuated only by the occasional hum of the ventilation system or the distant sound of my own breathing.

Despite the emptiness, there was a strange beauty in the stillness of the deserted mall, a sense of serenity that whispered of possibilities yet to come. With every corner of the space now ours to explore, there was an undeniable sense of freedom and anticipation that filled the air, promising endless opportunities for adventure and discovery within the silent halls of the empty mall.

By the time I snapped back into reality, I noticed Dahlia in a small clothing section.

I went towards her direction.

"Need any help?"

I couldn't help but notice her smile. It was a radiant beam that lit up her entire face, transforming her features into a picture of pure joy and warmth.

"No..." She paused, as if she realized something. "Oh shit..."


"I don't have anything to pay with."

I chuckled. I pulled out my American Express Centurion Black Card and pushed it into her grip.

"The pin is 6810. There is no limit to it. Go all out."

Her expression shifted to one of surprise, her eyes widening slightly as she regarded me with a startled gaze.

"Zaiden I can't-"

"Who said you can't?"
She stayed quiet for a moment.

"Are you sure?"

"If I wasn't, would I have booked a mall for you?"

She shook her head, gesturing denial.


She accepted defeat.

Good. She should.

I helped her pick out some clothes, though I can't lie... She would look fucking ethereal in those clothes. I couldn't wait for her to try it on.

"I'll go try these on." She said. About damn time. I couldn't stop fantasizing about her in those clothes.

Ah fuck. I should get a hold on my emotions.

I, Zaiden Armani, will not fall for Dahlia Vasilly.

I only intend to respect her.


Im super inconsistent with these I know but I just dont have the motivation sometimes.

Ill try to put out the chapters sooner dont worry <333

New update soon.

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I work hard on these fr 😭😭😭

Stay hyrdrated alwayss ily <33

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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