Chapter 7: Accept Reality And Planning To Go Outside (Part II)

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And... Time skipped to nearly 12:00. And Akira sends Panji a message again.

Akira: Panji, can you come here? In the Audience Chamber?

Panji: Sure, I actually want to return anyway. Do I need to use Recall to get in there instantly?

Akira: Better to do that.

Panji: Alright, coming!

Panji use the Recall ability in his Author Screen.

"Recall" is a teleportation ability that doesn't need any magic since its not a teleportation magic. Well... Just same as ability in MOBA game. And his teleportation always in Imperial Palace's Audience Chamber right in front of throne area.

Now, Panji returns to the imperial palace.

Akira: "Ah... Now you've come!" Get up from her throne.

Akira: "Follow us!" And Makoto only nodding to him which means "Just follow us!".

Panji: "..." And he just follows them.

They head to a meeting room that usually used for a meeting with the imperial princesses. But now, they are a different people.

When entering the room, Panji is surprised by whose gathered in the room.

Panji: "You all..."

Yes... They are the 12 Original Characters!

Akira: "Just have a seat first, will ya?"

Panji: "Oh... Alright."

The three of them now have their seat.

Rosarie: "How are you, Panji?"

Panji: "I'm fine. How about all of you?"

Egeria: "Absolutely fine!" With a calm smile.

Panji: "Why there is a gathering of 15 people here?"

Rosarie: "Panji, do you really want to go outside the world to make a plan of world conquering?"

Panji: "Yes I do."

Everyone then expressing their evil grin at each other.

Elena: "When will you depart?"

Panji: "Tomorrow!"

Lian: "Tomorrow!? Well that's a rush. I thought like 1 week from now."

Panji: "No, in the first place, I really want to go outside tomorrow."

Akira: "Really? Before you want to go outside, you need to know all continents' information. Here, look at this!" Akira showing Panji a paper map of the world.

Akira: "This is the Vaalbara Continent. The 'most advanced' continent in their world."

Akira: "Every continent have 1 Continental Core. No... This is not a kind of Terra's Core that very hot inside the Terra. This is a term for a country that is very strong on its respective continent. And they will be seen as representatives of that continent. So in conclusion, just a term for a superpower in their respective continents."

Panji: "It's our naming or their naming."

Lucifer: "It is their naming. We don't care about outsider's terms this and terms that."

Akira: "The Vaalbara's Core is a country named Pruzzen Empire.[1] A country that mostly inhabited by demons. They almost same like us where they combining the science and the magic. But the difference is, we make it balanced, while they more in the magic rather than the science. Their technology almost want to entering the World War 1 Era in your Old World."

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