Chapter 10: An Offer

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Everyone had finished eating, and now it is time for them to moving east. Those who were sick with fever had not yet recovered and were still resting on this ship. Meanwhile, those who were seasick had actually all recovered, but for some reason they were looking for excuses such as wanting to help on the ship and such so as not to return to their ship. They found it more enjoyable to live in this ship than in their own ships!

Aeson and his family on the Santi Victoria ship with a few of his royal guard.

Aeson: "Mister Panji."

Panji: "Yes, Your Majesty?"

Aeson: "May I know, what material of this ship?"

Panji: "She is made from steel."

Aeson: "Steel? Maybe that's why the interior not looks like a wooden ship for me. But how could this ship floating?"

Panji: "There is a knowledge about it. And it's called Archimedes' Principle. This theory explains that this happens because the density of the ship is lighter than the density of water."

Aeson: "Oh... I see. And by the way, we are moving eastward, but the wind blows to the west. How can this ship ever move where the sails are lowered?"

Panji: "We use machine. And this machine called electrical motor."

Aeson: "Electrical... Motor? I don't get it, Mister Panji."

Panji: "Sure. We are different in epoch anyway. Ehem... Sorry! I mean, this machine, is a tool to propel the ship. And the power or the electric itself contained in a thing called battery. The battery plugged in, the machine reacted to this battery, and then the propeller runs."

Aeson: "..." 😐

Aeson: "I still don't get it."

Panji: "How about you look at the machine then?"

Aeson: "Ha? May we? I though that is a country's technological secret."

Panji: "Ah, no. You all can look at it. Follow me, Your Majesty."

Aeson: "Yes, please!"

Panji shows them the machine to propel this ship. After that, Panji gives them a tour while giving them knowledge about his ship.

After that, they return to their room while the Nestivian Royal Guard guarding in the outside of their room.

Aeson's wife: "Darling, this ship is full of surprise! I can't describe how good this ship is! Water that can come out from nowhere without magic, and we can use between normal water or hot water. Combining them become 'warm water' and it's so good for bathing."

Aeson's wife: "Moreover, they have a high quality soap, shampoo, towel, etc in the bathroom. Their quality surpass the entire continent of Pangea, or maybe even other continents."

Aeson: "I agree! Even military rations can be that good!"

Aeson's daughter: "They sure a mysterious people since we still don't know the origins of them. And I'm curious about this Panji!"

Aeson: "Ho... Do you like him?"

Aeson's daughter: "*Blushing* No, I mean, he is very interesting person!"

Aeson: "Which part of him that makes him interesting?"

Aeson's daughter: "Ehm... He has this good ship!?"

Aeson: "If he has this good ship, that doesn't mean he is interesting. The interesting one is the country who built this ship. Which means his country that interesting, not him."

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