CH1 Dinner?

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I bit my lip, looking at the train I've been living in for the past four weeks. Sure, it's pretty, really pretty. But there's no air conditioning in this barren desert. Absolutely no air conditioning, it's like a curse! But that's besides the point, the man I've been living with for the past few weeks is called Jimmy. He's got dusty blonde hair and a long, brown cowboy hat, he likes to call himself the sheriff, or the 'Law Enforcer' and he's below average height, which causes him to get picked on by the others. But the worst of all, he lives in a hot, dry waste land, called Tumble Town. I like the word tumble, but Trouble Town fits the place better——because this place basically attracts chaos.
Something cool about Jimmy, he's Grian's cousin! So, that means more excuses to see Grian, not that I enjoy seeing him more than anyone else...or something. I'm getting off track.. again, like usual. Jimmy is standing beside me, telling me about something, my mind is blocking out most of it.

"So, Scar,"

My name used in Jimmy's sentence brought me back to my senses, I turned to him with a small grin.

"Grian's visiting soon,"
The thought of seeing Grian again made my smile widen, so I replied with, "Ah, for dinner?"
"Mhm, do you think you could prepare the table for me?"
I continue to smile and nod, running inside to do exactly that, prepare for dinner. As I rummaged through the various kitchen cupboards, pulling out plates and cutlery, I looked out the window. The view was nice, the sun setting behind the large, canyon hills. You'd think as it got darker, the heat would simmer down, but it just felt like it was getting hotter.

I didn't notice Grian arriving, so I was shocked when I felt his sharp talons digging into my shoulder.
"Ack!" I groaned, causing a giggle from the other male.
"How are you, Scar?" Grian asked.
"I'm okay, Grian. You?"
I smiled at Grian's response, drawing me away from the feeling of Grian's talons stabbing me.
"Do you know what Jimmy's making for dinner?" Grian asked me, I paused.
"Uhh.. no,"
I didn't really think about that, what is for dinner? Jimmy isn't the best cook. So anything that isn't burnt sounds enough good.
"Hopefully something that is edible," Grian said with a cheeky grin, he practically read my mind, I laughed.
We talked for a while, our conversations changing quickly, from dinner to Joel's height. The God is 8ft, which is incredibly tall, but he seems to think that he is a lot taller. Grian and Jimmy look puny next to him. Speaking of Joel, he had visited earlier today, the experience is exactly what you would expect, Joel was there purely just to pick on Jimmy's height, I must admit that it's funny to watch. I don't join in to the bullying, but I just watch and snicker to myself.
Our conversation was brought to an end when Jimmy walked in, an awkward, unreadable expression on his face, but his words quickly explained everything.
"So uh, I burnt the pasta,"
"Again?" Grian asked, a teasing smile on his lips.
I looked between the two, Jimmy seemed embarrassed, and Grian just looked amused, as did I.
"Is it edible?" I chimed in to their conversation, hoping for a good response.
"....I think?"
That didn't sound very convincing, but I'm willing to give his horrible pasta a shot. Jimmy led Grian and I to the dining room, the pasta smelt nice, but I can't say the same about it's looks. It was an ashy grey, it looked like Jimmy applied extra sauce to try hide his mistake of burning the pasta.
"I'll give you ten dollars to eat it," Grian dared, I glared at him.
I sat down at the table, hesitating as I wrapped the warm burnt mess around my fork, raising it and I held it to my mouth, biting it to it, at first my expression was blank, until I grimaced while I swallowed it.
"Horrible," I choked out, Grian and Jimmy both laughed at my struggle.

Us three ended up eating microwave noodles, our conversation died out as we ate. We quickly finished and said our farewells to Grian.

authors note, yes, I rushed the end.

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