CH2 Heights, delights and flights.

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Maybe Scar was right. Trouble Town does fit nicely, fits a lot better than Tumble Town. Joel visited earlier, with his blazing attitude and rude words. It's always the same, "Jimmy's so short he could be toy!" Or, "Jimmy's a toy!" I'm sick of hearing it. I'm not a toy, I have feelings and I'm the Sheriff! I'm important, and my feelings matter! Other than that. In Tumble——Trouble Town today, when Joel visited, he went on another rant, it went exactly like this:

"Little man," He would say, "Are you aware that you're not even 5ft?"
I scowled before replying, "I am aware, Joel! Are you aware that you aren't 11ft?"
Joel scoffed, as if he was offended, "I am 11ft, you 4ft toy!"
"Are you suuuree?" I replied in an amused tone, for once I was the one in control of the situation.
"Could you proof your point, little toy man?"
I continued to scowl. I needed a way to proof that Joel isn't as high and mighty as he thinks he is——he's still incredibly tall, but not 11ft.
I mused.
"I could use a tape measure!"
Joel's confident smirk faltered. "What?"
"A tape measure, I'll get Scar to find one!"
"I don't think that'll be necessary," Joel growled.
"Whats the matter, Joel?" I grinned.

As Scar frantically ran around the saloon in hopes to find a tape measure, Joel's confidence grew back. This annoyed me, how can a sheriff not have a tape measure? This is absurd! I'm sure that Joel has something to do with this, look at that smug smirk of his!
No no, everything is fine, Scar soon walked out of the saloon, a rusted yellow tape measure in hand.
"Is this what you need?"
I smiled at my soon to be Deputy's work. "Yeah, could you pass it 'ere?"
Scar walked closer, stopping in front of me, he handed me the tape measure. My grin widened. "Come here, Joel,"
Joel grumbled, walking next to Scar, who was also holding a small step ladder, Scar placed the step ladder beside Joel and moved away.
I stepped onto the ladder, rolling the tape measure to the floor, Scar holding it at the bottom so it doesn't curl and make this inaccurate, I grinned.
"Aha! Right here my friend, it says that you're 8'2! Isn't that just lovely?"
Joel shot me a look of annoyance as he moved away from Scar and I's work, he equipped his elytra and flew off, shouting,
This angered me slightly, only my friends can call me Timmy and get away with it, mainly Grian, but there wasn't much I could do as the rude God had already left into the sky, laughing at his name calling.

After Joel's departure, I was surprised to see a certain feline walking around Tumble Town, my sister! Lizzie and Joel's relationship always confused me, why make fun of my height, and date someone even smaller? Anyways, it was a delight to see her. Lizzie didn't visit Tumble Town much, she most likely came to see the hermit wandering around.
"What brings you 'round here, Lizzie?" I asked, leaning against Scar's train, Lizzie's tail went spiky.
"I said, my feline sister, what brings you around here?" I repeated.
"Oh, uhh.."
Lizzie was always so.. cryptic, I don't understand, I know she hides being a cat to others, but I know who she really is, so none of this suspicious behaviour is necessary.
"I came to see Grian's friend,"
"Makes sense," I smiled. Scar poked his head out of the train door, scaring both me and Lizzie, her tail went spiky again and she stood up on her hind legs. Scar chuckled awkwardly and apologised, Lizzie returned the laugh, it soon turned into a giggle.
"It's quite alright, I'm sorry, whats your name?"
Scar looked confused for a second, he was used to being known by other people.
"Oh, my name is Scar!"
Lizzie beamed, "I love your name!"
Scar blushed nervously and looked away.
Scar stepped out of the train, now standing on the gravelly sand beside Lizzie and I.
"I came to ask you two for a favour, and meet you, Scar!" Lizzie replied enthusiastically.
I smiled. "Yes, Lizzie?"
"Can you teach me how to fly?" Lizzie asked, pulling an elytra out of her bag.

The experience of teaching Lizzie how to fly was long and boring, she kept falling out of the sky and barely landing on her legs.
But I was willing to help my sister fly. Lizzie explained that she wanted to learn how to fly because the only way to visit Joel, in upper Stratos was to either fly or swim up a waterfall, and cats aren't known for liking water, quite the opposite——really.
After a while, she got the hang of it, slowly perfecting it. She still couldn't land properly, causing her to fall and crash many times. But it's embarrassing to say that neither can Scar or I land properly, the two of us are also always crashing into things, mainly trees.
And after a few hours of practice, Lizzie knew how to land better than Scar and I's months of practice. Lizzie flew down from the sky, the sun glistening down on our red, hot blistered faces ruined the view slightly, but we were still able to see Lizzie swiftly land on the scorching hot sun, she grinned and thanked us, taking her leave.

.....As everyone probably expected, Scar made dinner tonight.
The smell of pasta filled the air downstairs, a much more pleasant smell then the smell of  sand and sweat that has been invading my nostrils all day.
He re-made my disgusting mess, into a less burnt spaghetti bolognese. Scar was also an incredibly good cook. Grian had bragged many times about his friend's cooking skills, and I'm glad that now I get to experience it myself, and Grian was right. Scar's cooking skills easily best my cooking skills, I wouldn't even call it cooking skills. My cooking abilities, as I should address them.

authors note, this is a filler chapter, i'm sorry for the lack of scarian 🙁

do not expect all the chapters to be this long. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

1045 words

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