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In a world where no one wants or wishes to be.... World of darkness.... Hell,

Demon (Marcus) was on his knees in front of his supervisors who were having a discussion related to his matter while some guard monsters were holding Demon roughly. Demon kept looking down in disappointment while recalling Gulf's last words before he went away from him. His whole body was hurting so bad with this defeat, he wasn't even paying attention to the supervisors. Later, they looked at the Demon after coming to a conclusion.

" Marcus, we are very disappointed with you. We hope you are aware about what you have done. Very disappointing especially from you. " Said one supervisor strictly. Marcus sighed.

" So am I, with myself. " Said Marcus in a low tone.

" Was it so difficult for you to control and mark a human being? You have so much power, have you kept them with you to rot? What your brother did, we are speechless about it but about you, really haven't expected. " Asked the other supervisor.

" I tried but lost again and I am very sorry for that. Just give me one chance, I will make him mine. I'm sure I will. " Said Marcus while looking at them in a pleading way. They all sighed.

" What he has.... that you are not able to leave him and ready to argue with us? You are going to become a member of our cult very soon, you are going to join us like your late father. You are going to sit on the chair where your father used to sit with us. Why don't you understand? This stupidity will take everything away from you. Why are you destroying such a big title with your own hands and that too for a person who neither belongs to this world nor to the world of humans? You are tired of explaining but can't accept the fact that he will never accept this world! What is this stubbornness of yours, Marcus? " Asked the supervisor angrily. Marcus looked down in anger and defeat.

" My love for him is more than my darkness and stubbornness. Since then I have been what I am today. It is true that it will never end. Him and I are bound in a ritual which no one can ever end but yes.... Now I have only one chance left to make him mine. I just want permission and blessings from you all. I have one more chance left, I will try my best to get it and after that this whole drama will end. I promise. " Said Marcus. All the supervisors looked at Marcus sadly because his father was a member of their cult that's why Marcus and Tul were close to them like their own infants but also they are superiors so they can't be biased.

" Marcus, You are like our son, that is why I am advising you, forget all this and just stop it. You are wasting time. Find someone else who doesn't do this drama. " Said one supervisor.

" Seriously? Are you stopping me for the disaster? really? I'm so confused that it's you all who are speaking from whom we have been learning all this. You are our mentor. I have come here learning from you and dad, so why are you stopping me? I understand your concern but stopping me from getting what I want, ever worked? " Asked Marcus. Supervisors chuckled and told the monsters to leave him. Marcus got up and dusted himself sassily while looking at them with a smirk on their face. They went to Marcus and hitted his head while laughing with him loudly.

" You will never change. You have always been stubborn. We are speaking for your own sake. We have lost our friend and your brother in all this, we don't want to see you messed up like this. May you live as long as all of us and may the devil always keep you safe and make you successful in your purpose but... Remember one thing, if a war breaks out between the two worlds due to your stubbornness, then the entire responsibility will fall on you. After your father's departure, now you have to handle his post. Till then don't worry. We will take care of everything but you can also be careful. Now I will not save for long. One last chance is yours, put all your stubbornness into it and come back successfully. Promise me? " Asked one supervisor. Marcus nodded and bowed at him.

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