MATE RITUAL (PT. 10.1) ⚠️

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(A/N:- this chapter contains some disturbing scenes just for the purpose of the book. Kindly skip it if it makes you uncomfortable.)

Let's begin!!! 🤩🤩🤩


On the other hand,

" Win! It's too late!! Where are you going!? Stop immediately! " Said Win's mom.

" Mom it's urgent please. Let me go. " Said Win.

" You are having a very bad fever son! Stop it! " Said Win's mom worriedly.

" I'll be back in few minutes. Trust me I've to go mom. " Said Win.

" But where? " Asked Win's mom.

" Someone who can trust me and help me. " Said Win and he immediately called Samaira while leaving the house.

Later, in front of Samaira's house,

" That's all happened Sam. No one will believe what I've experienced in that room but trust me, Gulf is in real danger and only we can help him. " Said Win. Samaira was sobbing badly.

" I wish I was with you guys. It must be so horrific. I can relate because I've experienced it too. " Said Samaira. Win looked at Samaira confusingly.

" Experienced? " Asked Win.

" As you know my mom is also a medium, her body is under a very bad entity. When mom come close to me, either she feels sharp pain in her body or else I get hurt. All night I can hear her screams but as mom made a rule not to come out of the room after dinner, even if she screams for help, I can't rescue her. Many times, some deep dark voices threaten me to leave this house and mom but I know I'm the only reason she is still living.

If I'll go, she will kill herself undoubtedly. But you know, giving her this hell life is much scarier than death. I told mom that I will leave the house so that she can be in peace but she said if I'll leave, the entity will become more stronger. Now, no matter what, I'm the positive and hopeful bright light in this dark house. What you and Gulf suffered today, is something I've suffered oftenly. " Said Samaira and she immediately bursted into tears. Win hugged her tightly.

" Sam, you are the strongest person I've ever met in my life and I'm really proud of you

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" Sam, you are the strongest person I've ever met in my life and I'm really proud of you. Your mom is lucky to have a daughter like you. I'll pray to God to give some mercy and solution to you. " Said Win but samaira chuckled.

" When your whole house gets turned into a negative place, even god's blessings doesn't reach out. " Said Samaira and they both sighed in sadness.

" Everything will be fine one day. I believe in that. " Said Win.

" I do as well that's why we are still hanging on but let's see what destiny has written for us. Anyways , tell me what happened there. " Said Samaira. Win nodded.

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