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🎶*Special chapter*🎶
✨*Warning:- fictitious scenarios*✨

(A/N:- this chapter contains scary + heartbreaking situations. If you are not comfortable, can skip the part and continue with the rest)

Let's begin...... 😞💔


" Come here Gulf. Don't waste time. " Said Mew while walking towards Gulf. Gulf tried to escape again and again but he failed because Mew caught Gulf's waist and threw him on the ground. Gulf groaned in pain and saw Mew was standing and looking at Gulf with a soft smirk on his face.

" Times up sunshine. " Said Mew and he immediately hovered Gulf.

" NO!!!!! MEW!!! STOP!!!! " Shouted Gulf while struggling to get from Mew's grip but Mew pinned Gulf's both hands on the ground and started kissing his neck passionately which was actually been done by Demon because he was closing his eyes and feeling it but he can't enter in the circle unless the mates are about to reach their ejaculation.

" M... Mew!! Stop!!! Stoppp!! Nooooo!!! " Shouted Gulf while trying to run, but Mew held Gulf very tightly while kissing him everywhere roughly and passionately.

" He loves you so much Gulf~ surrender yourself~ " said Mew in a deep husky tone while kissing Gulf everywhere and tried to kiss lips but Gulf kept moving his face side to side, not letting him do which creates frustration and Mew immediately tired Gulf's shirt and threw it to the side.

" Mew!! Come to your senses!!! Try to recall what you were. Your identity! " Shouted Gulf while trying his best to wake Mew from this chant. Mew didn't paid attention to this and he kept kissing Gulf's face, forehead, neck, lips, chest very hungrily. Gulf tried to struggle a lot but Mew was.uch stronger right now. Mew adjusted himself between Gulf's legs and started grinding his member with Gulf's. Gulf was feeling completely disguise about this and tried to stop this but Mew was unknowingly so powerful right now that it was happening slowly and slowly Gulf was getting weaker. Mew sucked Gulf's nipples which was so hard no because he was enjoying but because of the amount of trauma he was facing right now.

" S.. stop it!!! Stop it Mew!! Please remember that day when you expressed your love to me!! " Said Gulf while trying to save himself but nothing was working on Mew right now. Gulf needed to do something and while Mew was kissing his neck and moaning softly, Gulf saw demon was feeling the same as if he is the one who is doing this. For Gulf, this became an opportunity to do something which will stop Mew from doing this. Mew roughly kissed Gulf's lips and till now Gulf's wasn't giving in but.... Suddenly both Mew and Demon realised that Gulf gave in. He was kissing back which affected both the bodies so impactfully. The moment Gulf gave in which was his plan, all the candle flames got increased by their own. Demon smiled happily that finally his baby is giving in which was making him aroused so badly but he needed to wait. Meanwhile Mew was obeying Demon's command and he kept devouring Gulf's body and the moment came when Mew was about to unbuckled his and Gulf's pant, Gulf immediately hovered Mew and cupped his face. Mew and Demon both were shocked.

" Mew, can you hear me? It's me Gulf. Remember me? The day we met, you wanted my number to stay in touch with me, do you know why I didn't gave it to you? It's because the day I met you, the day everything happened to us, I.... I felt something. Something which wasn't normal which a stranger should feel. It was love Mew, I fell for you but couldn't accept it before. I was already taken but still when you came into my life, everything has changed. After losing Vikki, I thought I'll never be able to get loved by someone but you... You changed it. You changed my thought and gave so much love to me. Mew, I'm very thankful about that and I know you love me so much, genuinely and the moments we have spent together was so beautiful which I want you to recall it. The days which we have spent in each other's arms, smiling and giggling, holding hands and looking at each other lovingly. Focus Mew.... Try to remember it. Focus on my words and try to recall. " Said Gulf while cupping Mew's face gently and he said this in the hope that maybe he can bring the old Mew back who was in love with him.

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