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Mew hurriedly got up and huffed badly by thinking that maybe he saw a nightmare after dozing at the couch but this misunderstanding got cleared when he saw Demon standing at the balcony. Mew got up and sobbed badly.

" Don't think it was a nightmare. You just had a visual of your punishment. You are lucky that I just showed you visuals, not practical because of the mediumship otherwise, what you saw, you actually would be experienced it. Anyways it was beautiful isn't it? " Asked Demon. Mew fell on his knees.

" Don't do this Demon. Please. I'll do as you say. Please forgive me. " Said Mew while joining his hands in front of him. Demon smirked and placed his one leg on Mew's shoulder.

" You mean it? " Asked Demon. Mew nodded while crying in the trauma he had.

" I do mean it. Please. " Said Mew. Demknremived his leg and make him get up on his legs.

" Next time if I caught you doing this with Gulf, trust me whatever you saw will actually happen and I'll make sure you'll feel the pain before dying. I hope it's clear to you. " Threatened Demon. Mew nodded. Demon smiled creepily and slowly he opened his arms to hug Mew but Mew stepped back.

" Why are you still so scared of me? At this point, you should be habitual of me now. Don't you think? " Asked Demon. Mew said nothing because he was badly traumatized. Demon sighed.

" Now act normal. Don't act like a scared pussy. Anyways, the reason I came back is.... There is no other compatible human I've found than you. I have tested many but they all either died or went mentally insane. I've no time for that shit that's why I'm here, back to my blood bag. " Said Demon and winked at Mew. Mew said nothing and just looked down.

" What happened? Angry with me? Not gonna talk? " Asked Demon.

" It's not like that. It's okay you are back. " Said Mew.

" Great, because I don't give a damn if you are. I'm giving you back everything that I've snatched and now, I'm reassigning you as my medium. " Said the Demon but he saw some stress on Mew's face after hearing this.

" Demon, I've a request. " Said Mew in a scared tone.

" Now what? " Asked Demon in a stern tone.

" I... I don't want to do this anymore. Please don't make me your medium again. I don't want this luxury life as well. Take everything from me and if possible, find any other medium for you. " Said Mew.

" People die for such a luxurious life and when your desired life is standing right in front of you then why are you running away from it? Tell me what's the reason? Can I know why? " Asked Demon.

" Because I've heard somewhere, when a devil offers you a desired thing, it's better to run away from it because that's more dangerous than anything. Also, I don't want to see Gulf hurt and also I'm not able to see more innocent lives dying in front of me. " Said Mew.

" Well, people dying... I can't help it but Gulf is getting hurt, who said I'll hurt my baby boy? " Asked the demon.

" I'm not talking about physical hurt. I'm talking about mental and emotional hurt. What if one day he will know the truth? He will hate me for hiding the truth from him that I was there when Vikki died. " Said Mew.

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