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It's been a lot of moments (days) since Gulf was caged but still, he neither ate anything which guards gave nor he drank anything. He was getting weaker and weaker. Whenever Gulf used to rest, Marcus used to sit beside the cage and kept staring at him lovingly in a hope that the day will come when Gulf will accept him. Many times, Marcus tried to talk to Gulf but Gulf never ever replied. All he said was....

" Leave me alone. Please. " Said Gulf. This has become a disappointment to Marcus moment by moment. He tried his best to talk to Gulf, make him understand his feelings, tried to convince him to eat but Gulf didn't respond at all. Kaownah's spells were keeping Gulf fit and fine but till when? Gulf needs to take something to survive there. Even if Gulf couldn't hear those screams and growls anymore but still being there was very traumatic and suffocating.

A lot of the time, Gulf felt like he was getting choked and not able to breathe while Marcus saw everything from a corner with so much sadness in his eyes. He tried every spell of his to make things easy for Gulf still, Gulf was finding it difficult to survive here. Still, Marcus didn't lose hope and every moment (day), every perpetual (day or night) he tried his best to talk to Gulf or mainly try to convince him. But Gulf never responded which was making Marcus restless and angrier day by day. He was lashing out at everyone and only Kaownah was there to control this volcano. After a while seeing Marcus so much effort, Gulf started eating a little which gave a positive sign to Marcus that maybe Gulf is accepting the surroundings. But still he didn't talk to Marcus, Gulf used to sit inside the cage, silent and depressed.

One moment,

" Gulf, you okay? Want me to get something for you? " Asked Marcus. Gulf didn't respond he just kept looking down.

" Talk to me my love. Say something even if scolding. I'll hear that too. Don't give me this silent treatment of yours. It's killing me! " Said Marcus and yet no reply. Now this is where Marcus's patience crossed the boundary and he got up angrily.

" You know what!? I know why you are doing this to me! You love to do this right? After so much effort, I've got you and this is how you are treating your soon to be husband. I really don't understand what worse I have done that I'm getting this treatment of yours? " Asked Marcus angrily and this time, Gulf slowly looked at him and got up.

" You still don't realise what you've done. It's not like I'm not seeing your daily efforts of coming here and convincing me. But what you've done, you still haven't realised. Then there is no point for me to have a conversation with you. Leave me alone Marcus, or kill me. Both are good to me. " Said Gulf and he laid on the ground. Marcus groaned angrily and he threw a chair on the wall which broke into pieces. Gulf flinched but didn't move from his place. Marcus walked towards his throne and stood there while breathing heavily. He really needed to figure out how Gulf will see his love which is so impossible here. Suddenly, they all saw from the entrance, somebody was coming inside with some guards behind him. Marcus carefully saw and realised the entity was his distant relative uncle. All the guards standing inside the kingdom bowed at him. With a grin on his face, he walked towards Marcus and in the way he saw Gulf was caged inside.

" Uncle? You? Here? " Asked Marcus.

" Long live Satan. " Said Marcus's uncle, Evilard.

" Long live Satan. " Said Marcus.

" How are you my blood sucker scary tiger? I'm sorry for not being able to be with you when he (Marcus's dad) died. Sad to hear about him. " Said Evilard.

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