Chapter 1

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She had been home for only a couple of days when her friends Laura and Lauren call to hang out. She had to beg her parent to be able to go. They had wanted to spend her whole spring break with them. They knew once she graduated in a couple of weeks, she would be spend her whole summer with her friends. She usually only spent holidays, at home the rest of the time she was at boarding school. They finally told her she could go. She call laura and lauren to find out what they were going to do. The plan was to go to the beach during the day then go out to the boardwalk that night. Macy had never been to the boardwalk before Laura and Lauren had arrived at the house a little before 7am. Macy was a little nervous because they were so stunning, and beautiful. They could draw you in with a smile. She also envy having each other, she was an only child. Macy love the water at the beach, she did not like the sun too much. They arrived at the boardwalk at sunset, it had just started to cool off from the day's heat. They walk around the boardwalk for a short time before they met a group of guys. Of course they talk to Laura and Lauren before they even notice Macy, but it did not bother Macy. She was use to it especially since she had grown up at an all girl's boarding school. She did not worry or bother with boys, she spend her time reading instead of going on dates. They all decided to go on the Ferris wheel. Macy was the odd person out so she was ride by herself. At the last minute, one of the guys decides to ride with her. He was tall, blonde, good looking, she was stunned that he wanted to ride with her. As the Ferris wheel started he smiled at her, she smiled back. Then she apologized that he was stuck riding with her instead of one of her friends. Her laughed and introduced his self as Taylor. He asks why he had not seen her here before. She explains that she had been at boarding school. She then apologized again for being stuck with her. He told her to stop apologizing he wanted to ride with her. Macy asks him why he would want to ride with her. Macy said, I am not as stunning as my friends, and I'm the boring one. He laughed again. She asked what is so funny. He replied you are, but you forgot to say you are crazy too. She blushed. While they were at the top of the Ferris wheel that had stop, he lend in a kiss her, she felt this lighting threw out her body, as they kissed then she bite his lip. At that time the ride was over and the guy was waiting for them to get out of the cart. The ride had stop, when Macy realized she bite his lip, she jump up out of the cart and ran to the bathroom. Her friends followed, surprised and worried. While in the bathroom she told them that she needs the keys to the car that she was going to hide in the car till it was time to leave, because she was embarrassed. They asked why are you embarrassed. She explained that she had bite Taylors lip when he kissed her and that she would rather stay in the car instead of hearing him laugh at her. They asked her why she bite his lip. Macy explained it was an accident, when he kiss her it felt like lighting went through her body and she bite him. Laura gave Macy her keys, and Macy slipped out the bathroom so no one would see her. In the car she pulled out one of her books she had brought just in case she was ditched for boys. Taylor look at the bathroom wondering where the girls were at, when he seen Laura and Lauren come out, but not Macy. He asked them were Macy was, they explained that she ditched them to go to the car. He asked them why she wanted to go to the car. Laura explained that she was embarrassed about biting your lip and did not want to hear you laughing at her with your friends. Taylor became mad, thinking to his self, how dare this girl think that I would laugh at her. He asked Laura which car was hers, Laura replied it will the one with a light on inside and a girl reading. Laura wanted him to look for Macy, if he likes her he would hunt which car she was in.

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