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She got into her car the check engine light came on and her car would not start. She thought, just my luck. There was a gas station and a repair shop next to the motel. She went into the repair shop to get them to look at her car. It would be tomorrow before they would be able to look at it. She checked back into the motel for another week. That should be enough time to get it fixed she was not in any rush. She completely unpacked her car. It was a beautiful and hot day, so she decides to go for a swimming in the pool. She couldn't help but think about Taylor as she swimming. How could she have been so stupid? She didn't know where she would go after the car was fixed. Maybe just keep driving, put distance her and him. She found out all the mechanics at the shop also stayed at the motel. As she was getting out of the pool, they were going back to their rooms for their lunch break. She looked away as they yelled out to her. She quick grabbed her towel and wrapped around her. She headed straight to her room. As she opened her door, she turned her head to see Bobby, the mechanic that would be fixing her car, smiling at her, she smiled back. She went into the gas station for supplies, she got the direction to the grocery store, and it was 5mile from the motel.

She starts walking to the grocery store, as she was walking a truck passed honking the horn. Then the truck stopped. She pretended not to notice, and kept walking. Bobby the mechanic from the shop got out of the truck. He asked her if she need a ride. She wanted to say no, but it was getting dark. She asked if he was going in the direction of the grocery store. Bobby replied yes. As they got into the truck he told her, before I take you to the grocery store, were going to the diner, because you look like you could use a good home cooked meal. She could not remember the last time she had a home cooked meal. She looks at the menu unable to decide what she wanted. Bobby stopped her and told her, he would pick something for her to eat. She agreed. She ate like she had never eaten before. As he watched her eat he began to laugh.

They started making small talk. Bobby had lived in this small town for the last 6years. His parents had died when he was little, and had been in foster care until he ran away. He did have a brother but it had been over 9 years since he had seen him. She asked him how old are you, he replied 18 years old. She had found a kindred spirit. She understood to well how that feels to be alone. She told him she had lost her parent just a few months prior. She had no family left. She was drawn to bobby, she did not know what but she was taken in by him. Then came the dreaded question, he asked what brought her here. She paused for a minute, she told him about her parents dying on the way to her graduation. She told him about Taylor. She wanted to skip the details, but could not stop herself. She told what he did, and that she had to just leave for awhile, to clear her head. As he listened to her, he promised his self that he would protect her.

After they finished eating, he took her to the grocery store. She made a point to get alcohol. She knew that if she didn't have a couple drinks, she would dream of Taylor. She checked out and was waiting on bobby. She did not play attention what he was buying, until over the speaker "Price Check on Trojan Condom 24pk". She looks up at bobby, his face was bright red, and she had a blank stare on her face. Thinking to herself, what kind of girl does he think I am? when they got into the truck before macy could say anything, bobby made the point to tell her, " I'm sorry " and explain that it was not what she was thinking, that was not for him, but for his roommate. She went to her room and he went to his. Twenty minutes later you could hear the noise coming from his room, she thought uh, then there was a knock at the door, it was bobby, he saw her face. He said, I told you it was not for me. He wanted to hang out, so they started playing some card, Macy of course had a few shots. Bobby decline a shot, he explained he did not drink. When she asks why, he replied, one of the foster homes I was in the guy drank all the time, and would hit everyone. So I just do not drink. She felt sorry for him, what kind of life he had had. Her room had two beds in it, so she offer the other bed to bobby, since his room was occupied, and it did not sound like it would be free for a while. In the middle of the night bobby ended up in Macys bed.
   He woke up during the night to her crying in her sleep, so her switched beds to comfort her. It seemed to help she did stop crying. When she woke up bobby was gone and so was her car, bobby woke up bright and early to start on her car, not really to fix it, but to find out how much time it would take to fix it. So he could drag out the repair of course. He wanted to get to know Macy better. Every evening after work bobby was in Macy room hanging out, and giving her updates on her car. It had been two weeks and her car still was not ready. She did not care, how long it took she was not in hurry.

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