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Taylor and Bobby could not stand it they wanted to take the door of the hinges. They wanted to be the one in there with her. It would be a fight brewing between the three of them. She did not care, what was going on. Billy asked if she was hungry, she replied yes. He asked what do you want to eat. She replied I do not know, I tried to eat last night but it made me sick. Billy smiled he knew why it made her sick. He knew what she really wanted to eat. He knew she was not ready for that yet. He told her he would be right back with something that she would like. Billy left the room, Taylor and bobby were outside the door wanting. Billy could see that they were mad, but he did not care. He went and got the bottle of alcohol. He brought it back into the room, before entering the room he looked at both of them and smiled. They knew what was really in the bottle, it was not alcohol. He took the bottle back to her, at first she hastate to take the bottle. She decided to smell it, it smells really good. She took a shot at first. This was what she had been wanting. She started downing the bottle before Billy stopped her.  He said I think that's enough for now, before you make yourself sick.

Billy left the room with the bottle again, Taylor, Bobby, and Billy agreed to see if she was ready. Billy would stay with her tonight, while they brought back a snack. She could taste the drink on her lips. What was it she wondered? She felt different, she could not explain it. She wanted more, she needed more. She could hear them leave again. She hopes that Taylor would not be left behind tonight.  She opened the door to see who her babysitter was for tonight, it was Billy. She thought to herself, this could work. She decided she would seduce him into letting her go. He was sitting on the couch. She decided not to sit next to him. Instead she sat on his lap. He asked what she was doing. She replied I am going to seduce you into letting me leave. He laughed. She lends in and starts kissing him. She feels a rush this time. It had been only an hour before they were back with some snacks. Billy wanted them to take longer. They walked in on them making out on the couch. Taylor and Bobby were furious. Why couldn't it be them?

Macy watched as they brought in their snacks as Billy called it. She wanted no part in it so she went into her room. One of them sent this guy into her room, she thought why. He came in and walked towards her. He told her they wanted her to have a good time. He did not know what they mint. He lends into kiss her neck, she could feel the blood pumping in his veins. She blacks out for a second, and then she was holding him in her arms. He was dead, and she had blood all over her. What had she done what had they made her do?

She closed her eyes, hoping it was all a dream. She opened her eyes. He was still in her arms. She was different, everything was different. She could everything that was happening in the next room. She could see everything that was happening. How could she see what was happening? She could see the looks on their faces, as they watch her door. She wanted to open the door and kill them all. She wanted to hurt them all. She opened the door headed to the bathroom. She turned the water on in the shower. She knew that there would not be any towels, and she had no more clothes. She had to get the blood off of her. She was going to drive them crazy.

They could hear the water running.  She stayed in the shower as long as she could. Then she walks out of the bathroom, still dripping wet from the shower. She had hung her clothes on the shower after she washes them. She walks into her room, looking back to laugh then shut the door. She lay in the bed, eye open, unable to sleep. She wanted a cigarette. Her bag was still in the living room. Did she dare go out and get them or wait. She decided not to wait, she open the door, Taylor, Bobby, and Billy all jump up to see what, who she wanted. She walks over without a care, lends over them and grabbed her bag. She walked back into her room, shutting the door. She lit a cigarette up. She knew she was driving them crazy. She hopes that she would. She sun was rising. She could hardly keep her eyes open. She passed out again.

They all were at her door as she opened it. She walk pass them, into the bathroom to get her clothes. She would make her next snack a good one. That night they brought back another snack, this time she brought him into her room locking the door behind her. She wanted to make them mad, poor guy she could not help but kill him. She wanted to make them think something was happening.  They thought at first she would be the same as the night before. That's until they could hear the moans coming from her room. She pretended for two hours, before walking out of the room with his body, she walk into the bathroom. She again got in the shower. She hoped that what they did not know would drive them crazy.

She got dressed, exited out her bedroom, look at all of them. They were not paying an attention to her. She bolted to the door. She ran a fast a she could, to her house. She wanted to lock the door behind her but decide it would not help. She started packing a few things, when she notices a letter that she had not seen before. It was from Taylor. It read" I am sorry for last night, I know that you have left town, I hope you read this when you get back. I wish I could tell you the truth. I do not want to hurt you. I need you. I want you. I just know that you cannot live my life. I do not want to force you in to anything. I love you. If I showed you my life, I'm afraid that you would run away. I want to spend forever with you. I hope that you can forgive me.  I am truly sorry for being afraid to let you in. I am afraid that have lost you. Please forgive me."

She could not believe it. He did not want this life for me after all. What changed his mind? Was it his brother? She did not know. She changes her mind again. She text Laura's phone "If he can find me, then he can have me forever. To which ever one he is." She decides which of them could find her she would be with them. She packs her some of stuff, to take with her. She would bring towels.  She changed into something sexy. She sat on her bed waiting for her rescuer.  She lit a cigarette, when she receives a text from Laura's phone "Game over." Had they all given up on her?  She crushed her phone with her hand accidental.  It was still an hour before daylight. Should go to them or wait. She lay in her bed as the sun rose. She would wait to see if tonight that they would come. The sun could not set fast enough for her. She waited in the dark for them. She drank her crown, and smokes her cigarettes. The alcohol did not have the same effect as before. She had to drink a lot more to have any effect on her. She waited the whole night, but nothing. She had drunk all the alcohol she had in her house. She had a small buzz, but it was 4 bottles of crown she drank.

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