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n the parking lot Macy was not really reading her book she was too busy thinking about Taylor. That's when Taylor pops up in the window and knocks. Macy jumps when she hears the knock and looks up to see Taylor. Macy yells for him to leave her alone. Taylor asks why. Macy replies you know why. Taylor tells Macy no I don't. She starts without realizing that what she was saying. Look I do not want to talk to you, I am embarrassed enough already, not to mention a mess my first kiss up by biting your lip and making you bleed. So if you do not mind I am reading this book and do not want to be bothered. And how did you know where I was? Taylor started smiling, your first kiss, I am honored, your friend told me where to find you. By the way I kind of like it when you bite me. Macy face turn bright red, don't be so smug, just because you're my first kiss, I have spent my while life at an all girls boarding school. Taylor tried to get Macy to get out of the car. Then he tells her to make things even how bout you get out of the car and I will bite your lip while we makeout. Macy deicide to get out of the car. It only took about twenty minutes of Taylor begging. Once out of the they started to kiss again, the kiss was powerful, before macy knew it they both were in the car. Taylor start unzipping her shirt, before she pulled away from him. She apologized, I'm sorry, but I'm not kind of girl. Taylor smiled, saying, No, I'm sorry I just can't help myself.

They got out of the car again, went back to the boardwalk. They met up with Laura and Lauren again, they had met some guy and were hanging out, and Taylor knew them. Macy and Taylor when on several different rides and were going to check out some of the shops until Macy's phone started beeping. It was time for her to leave but Laura and Lauren were nowhere in sight. So she tried calling them, with no answers she texts them. She finally received a text from them that said they had left with those guys and for her to find herself a ride home. Macy was furious, she knew they would ditch her but now she had to call home to get a ride. She told taylor that she would only be in town for two more days, before she had to go back to school. Taylor asked how young are you? She laughed, I will be graduating in three weeks, and turning eighteen in four weeks. Taylor offered to take her home on his motorcycle, she agreed. As he drop her off at home, he ask her what her plans were for the next night. She told him she did not have any plans yet. Taylor asked her out, he would pick her up that night at 7pm, right after dark. When he walk her to the front door he kiss her goodbye on more time.

Macy mom wanted to know who that boy she was kiss was. Macy replied a boy that I met tonight we have a date tomorrow night. Do you mind dropping off here tomorrow. Her mother asked why you do not want him to meet the parents. Macy laughed, and said that's exactly right. Her mom agreed, to drop her off, and then asked about Laura, and Lauren. Macy explained they had ditched her for some boys and Taylor wanted to bring her home but knew she would be upset, so he stayed with her until she came. Macy's mom thought that was a nice gesture.

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