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She finally made the first move, one night as they watched a movie on the TV, she looked at him and he looked at her. She pulled him to her and kisses him. He did not fight the kiss. He enjoyed the kiss as much as she did. They ended up lying on the bed, making out. She started unbuttoning his shirt when he stopped her. She looked puzzled. He told her, I like you a lot, but I'm not rushing anything. So don't think you need to rush into anything. She could not believe it. Where had he been? Why couldn't she have met him months ago?

The morning came again, and again he was gone when she woke up. He was back fixing her car. The part that they had been waiting for had finally come in. She hoped that he would take his time fixing the car. She wanted a reason to stay. He wanted her to stay. She knew that once the car was fixed she had no reason to stay.

Bobby decided to take Macy on a hike and a picnic. Her car was fixed but he hadn't told her it was ready yet. As they hike, all she could think was how beautiful it was there. She was enjoying every moment of the hike. It was right before sunset when they reached their spot to picnic. As they sat and ate, bobby made his move. It might be his last chance before she left. They spend the whole night together. In the morning, they packed up the picnic, and head back to the motel. When they arrived bobby told her that her car was ready. She was happy, but sad at the same time. She went to her room, packed up all of her stuff. She went and paid the repair shop, and checked out of the motel. She loaded up her car, and went to say goodbye to bobby. He was in his room, looking sad and depressed.

She decides that she would not say goodbye, instead she started grabbing his bags, and packing his stuff. He looked puzzled. She said, what are you waiting for, are you going to help me. He jumped up and started helping pack his stuff. He really did not have anything left here expect work. He said his goodbyes to everyone, picked up his last check.  They drove away together.

It was still light outside when they arrived back at her house. She texted Laura, I'm back in town. He could not believe her house. He loved it. He loves the lighthouse, and then the underground house. She turned on all the lights so that he could see everything. As he was looking at the house, he stops her, told her to hold her hand out for a surprise. She looked puzzle but held her hand out. It was a ring that he made. She asked what it meant. He replied nothing but my love and appreciation for you. It's just a little something, for everything you have giving me. She wanted to take him for a swim in the ocean. He had never been in the ocean. The sun was setting as they walked out of the house. They began swimming, as the moonlight glow over them. It was a perfect moment. They began to kiss passionly. She became bold, she untied her top. He asked are you sure? She replied we are alone and then smiled.

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