Chapter 11

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We drove for what seemed forever, and then we came to the abandoned place. Billy said this is our place, you like. I nodded, I seem a little run down, but it had its charm. As we entered the cabin as it reminded me off, all I could think about was where all my exits were. She hoped since bobby was his brother that Taylor would leave them alone. She knew that their plans to leave here had changed at least for now. She knew that bobby would want to know his brother. She could not come in between brothers, even if she wanted bobby to herself.  Macy look around at the inside, no windows, they were all boarded up. They look sealed closed, no light or air to enter. There were several rooms in it. Ten in total she counted. They sat on a couch, looking at each other. The air was electric in it, which was surprising. They were all goofing around when Taylor pulled out this bottle of alcohol. She could not help but want a drink to just ease the tense feeling in the room. He handed to bobby first, Macy took it from Taylor, replying, he does not drinking. She took a shot, and then handed it back to him. They all started staring at Macy, she asked what are ya'll looking at? Taylor hit Billy playing around. Billy then came and sat by Macy, asking if she wanted to see the house. Whatever the drink was she was feeling different, good, so she said sure. Laura sat down next to bobby, really close to bobby, Macy thought, but she blew it off.

Billy was showing her all the rooms, she ask whose rooms were whose. It she tells her, then they came to a newly cleaned room, she asks whose room is this. He replied without think, your new room. She looks at him. What are you talking about, she said. He catches his self, by saying I'm just joke with you. Then she heard shouting in the living room, oh no, it had to be bobby and Taylor fighting. As she rushes into the living room, she saw bobby rushing to her, blood running down his neck, then he collapsed. Laura had blood all over her. Macy shouted what did you do, he is your brother. She looked at their faces, they were not themselves they were different, they had fangs. Her only thought was to run, escape. Billy had her arm at this time, she panic, she grabbed him and threw him across the room. She ran to a room, picked the bed up and blocked the door. She sat their trying to think, how did she throw him across the room. How did she move the bed? Adrenaline that is what it was. She wanted to cry, how could he do that to bobby, his brother, what was he going to do to her. She could hear them trying to open the door. She had wedged the bed good. It would not hold for long. She went to the window, it was sealed. She broke one of the posts off the bed. She uses it to break thru the window.

Sunrise, she thought as she started see light come in the window. It made her work hard to get out. As she got the window open, the bed went flying across the room. The door was opened, they were in the room. She looks at them one last time, smiled then pried the window back, letting the sunshine in part of the room. They jumped back, while she jumped out of the window, she cut her arm. She was bleeding. She started running, running, until she was home.  She locked the doors behind her, then she jump in the shower, bandage her arm.  She head to several shops for some supplies. She loads her fridge up with food and alcohol. She got more dead bolts for her doors. She did not know what had happened but she watched enough horror movies to know what she may need. She put the cross on every door, on every window, on everything she could think. She painted them on the door handles. It would take a lot to get into her house. She had more dead bolts than fort Knox.

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