Episode XVIII: My Dad the Deadbeat

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It started out like any normal day at our house. Me, Mum, Bluey, and Dad were all playing a game. However, things took a turn for the worse when Dad, while trying to look cool sliding out the playroom, flew off the surfboard and knocked his head straight into the fence separating our yard from Lucky's. He let out a small cry of pain, and was knocked out cold.

"He's fine," said Dr. Watterson, "He just suffered a severe concussion when he collided with the fence. SO he may need to give it a rest, at least for a" "Huh! Who, where!?" said Dad, suddenly waking up, "what happened?" "you collided with a fence and got hurt," said Mum, "that's what happened". All seemed normal at first, until...

Dad was not at all like himself. He seemed to act more childish, and barely got anything done. On top of that, he also seemed to be eating a lot more, and even relapsed into eating foods that make him fluffy, despite having gone on a 'fluffy-food-free diet' earlier in the year. On top of that however, he also rarely played with us, and when he did, we needed to keep reminding him of what the game was. Suffice it to say, Dad was becoming way more Trifficult to live with. Eventually, Bluey asked, "Mum, what happened to Dad?" and Mum explained, "The concussion knocked him all out of whack, and made him a Deadbeat.". "I see," said Bingo.

We tried to help Dad along in his life, but all that ended up happening was mass destruction that ended up with Dad having to spend the night in jail.

After that, we tried to help Dad more, but the problem was, Deadbeat Dad had the memory span of a Goldfish, and so we couldn't help him that well.

There seemed to be no end in sight for this Deadbeat madness. That was, until Dad went outside, and hit himself on the snout with a rake. Then, he fell over and onto the walk. At first, he was lying there motionless with his eyes closed, until he rose to his paws and said, "Huh, what!?" "DAD!" cried Bingo, "YOU'RE BACK! And he was.

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