Episode XX: Freaky Weeky

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One night, Mum was on her computer. She was on that shopping app that's named after a jungle, and ordering her favorite perfume. "Dad," I asked, "Why does Mum use perfume" "to smell good for everyone" Dad said, clearly exhausted from a day of archaeomolgy work.

Mum's package arrived the next day before school. At the same time, Lucky's Dad also got a package. Both packages looked basically identical, so it was hard to tell whose was whose. But we didn't have time to tell them apart, because we needed to go to school. So we did.

At school, near the end of the day, my class and I went to the computer lab. Our assignment was to create our own version of the weekly 'Friday Memo' detailing how we would want the week to look. The actual memo looked like this:

Monday: Band practice cancelled. No practice today due to termite infestation in the band room.

Tuesday: School Spirit Day! Show you care by wearing the school colors (red and blue).

Wednesday: CHEERLEADER TRYOUTS TODAY! Anyone wishing to try out must: possess some level of athletic abilities. Have the school cheer memorized. Remember to wear gym socks. (meet in the gym after school)

Thursday: Cricket practice re-scheduled. Please report to the field for an early practice, TODAY ONLY. Pep rally 2:30 in the gym.

Friday: Yearbook photos taken today. Please dress appropriately and remember to smile.

So, we all set about making our own memos. However, at one point, there was a mix-up with the memo that was sent back to the principal's office, and the one I made. Which led to some very farcical events later on. But before I can tell you that story, I have to tell you this story.

Before work, Mum sprayed herself with the perfume she got earlier. Then, she went to work as usual. However, she caught sight of a few of her coworkers laughing at her for some reason. But then, her boss called her to his office. When she got there, he said, "Mrs Heeler, I want to talk to you about that paint on you" "What paint?" Mum asked. Her boss then pulled up a full-length mirror, to reveal green spray paint on her armpits and under her snout. Mum gasped, as that was exactly where she had sprayed her 'perfume'. "So," said her boss, "What do you have to say about this?" Mum was nervous. She tried to speak, she tried to tell him that it was all a big mistake. She tried to tell him that she would clean up soon. She tried to say something. But all that came out was "B-b-bubba bobba hob-hobba hobba wah-wah". "B-b-bubba bobba hob-hobba hobba wah-wah is not an appropriate answer! NOW GET BACK TO WORK!" "B-b-bubba bobba hob-hobba hobba wah-wah" said Mum, before she got back to work.

The following week of school was definitely one of the weirder ones we'd had in a while. First, no students showed up for school on Monday. But, the teachers didn't seem to notice. That was, except Mrs. Retriever. "HEY!" she asked, "WHERE IS EVERYBODY!?" but everyone else shrugged it off.  On Tuesday, everyone did show up. WEARING PURPLE PANTS! "Why is everybody picking their noses?" asked someone. On Wednesday for some reason, the school seemed to smell like raw garlic (especially the breath of the kids who were trying out for drama). And the drama kids also seemed to become fans of Chunky Chimp, as evidenced by all the Chunky Chimp Onesies they were wearing. "Well," said Calypso, "that's the style I guess". Thursday was even crazier than all the rest of the days put together. For one thing, the Cricket team was practicing in the Teachers' Lounge, and a food fight broke out at 12:15 in the lunchroom. And as for Friday...apparently there was some mix-up involving the dress code and the yearbook photos.

When we got home on Friday, the cause of all the trouble was finally explained. It turns out, Mum had ordered perfume at the same time Lucky's Dad ordered spray paint to finish a mural he was painting. Unfortunately, there was a mix-up of parcels. Meanwhile, the memo me and Bingo wrote for class was mixed up with the actual memo. So, Mum's perfume and Lucky's Dad's spray paint were switched back, and the mural was completed.

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