Episode XIX: Banjo and the Curse

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Bingo came home one afternoon in a surprisingly dour mood. At Mum's advice, I went to our room, and said, "Banjo again?" "yeah." said Bingo. At this, I said, "Man, that guy is HARD to get rid of!" "yes," said Bingo, "it's very trifficult" "Luckily for you," I said, I have an idea...

The next day before school started, I packed some supplies to help us in Operation: Banjo Bashing. Specifically, we got a pair of stilt pants and a really long sheet of paper. We went behind Banjo's locker and used the sheet of paper to switch his padlock for mine. Then, when Banjo arrived, we just stood off to the side to watch as Banjo failed to unlock his locker. Afterwards, we laid plans for further pranks. During lunchtime, we went to a nearby store, and brought some friendship bracelets, girly dresses, and multiple dolls. Not things traditionally associated with boys and certainly not things Banjo would play with. But before we closed his locker, Bingo left a note so that Banjo would take the bait.

Banjo opened his locker, and inside, he found, multiple Barbie dolls, friendship bracelet kits, kids' tea sets, and a note attached reading, 'Dear Banjo, I bought these last week, and left them here as a present for you. Sincerely, Hercules." Meanwhile, Bingo and I had also left the same things with Banjo's other friends, Andy, Billy, and Hercules, with notes claiming to be from each other. Then, they congregated outside Banjo's house that day to play with their new girly things. Meanwhile, Bingo, Dad (who was in on all of this), and I couldn't help but chuckle at how easily Banjo was duped.

We went shopping at a local Pharmacy that evening. Dad was there originally just to buy his Bum Worm Cream, but Bingo and I had our own purpose in mind. When Dad had bought his cream, we went to another section of the store and purchased a 'Skin-Burning Sensation' cream. After we left the store, we snuck to Banjo's house and laced his deodorant with the Burning Cream. Then, we did the same to Banjo's friends. Which gave us quite a laugh at school the next day when Banjo and his friends complained about the burning in their armpits. But we didn't stop there. Before lunch, we used a voice filter thingy to order Banjo some pizzas with a...special ingredient.

Banjo got the pizzas at lunch. At first, all seemed normal, until Hercules asked, "do you feel a slight burning sensation in you mouth?" and then, their mouths began burning up for seemingly no reason. It eventually got so bad that Banjo and co. were sent to the nurse's office and had to drink ice water every five to ten minutes for the rest of that day. All the while, Bingo and I were laughing until milk came out of our noses. Afterwards, we snuck around lacing Banjo and friends' food with the hot sauce. Then, we got another idea.

We snuck to school ahead of Banjo, and then went to his and his friends' lockers. Then, we took out some spare cans of Dad's Supershave Deluxe shaving cream (glow-in-the-dark edition) and using some bendy straws, we pumped the shaving cream into the lockers. Then, we waited for Banjo and his friends to open them, and watched their terrified reactions to getting 'Ectoplasm' on their stuff. Then, we decided to do a bit to 'explain' the strange happenings to them.

When we went home, we got to Dad's computer and wrote up a spooky story inspired by the kind I like to read on the tablet at 3am on weekends and holidays. Then, we copied the story on Dad's printer. The documents would need to look old, so we used our arts and crafts skills to make it look like it was "from the 1950s or something" as Bingo put it. After that, we put them in Banjo's friends' lockers.

Hercules' POV: When we got to our lockers, Banjo and I (+the others) were still reeling from the Ectoplasm from the day before. However, when we opened them, we instead found several old looking books that appeared to be bound in a strange material and inked with an ink that didn't feel like any we'd ever seen. This is what we read:

Once upon a time there was a little girl called Marjorie. Marjorie went to this very school, and was bullied frequently. One day, she decided she'd had enough, and went to take revenge on her bullies. However, when she did, she ended up being beaten up, and then had her hand severed and replaced by a hook by the bullies, and was then buried alive by them. But as she was being interred, she exclaimed, "I pronounce a curse! All who bully the small and meek shall be cursed for their deeds for all time!" And to this day, her curse affects all bullies who attend this school.

Below that was a list describing signs of the curse. The list was as follows:

1. Your padlocks start acting strange.

2. You begin to feel an urge to play with girly things.

3. You feel a burning sensation in your armpits.

4. All your food begins to taste spicy.

5. You get Ectoplasm on your stuff.

After this, the curse will culminate in Marjorie's zombified form coming to take her revenge. The only way to reverse the curse is for you to humiliate yourself in front of anyone and everyone you bully.

"Well," said Banjo, "I'll believe it when I see it."

Bingo was getting dressed in her 'Marjorie Zombie' costume. Dad was measuring her while I was putting the makeup on and Mum supervised. As we were fitting Bingo, Mum asked, "So, how will we get the 'rising from the ground' thing to work?" "Well," I explained, "Bingo will be under only a few half-inches of dirt on Banjo's front yard. Then, on cue, she'll rise up, and walk from there to Banjo's house. "Sounds good" said Mum simply.

Banjo's POV: It was a quiet night at first. Until the thunderstorm began. At first, it was nothing special. That was, until the lights began to flicker off and on. At first, me and the boys thought nothing of it. Until, the phones rang, and when we picked up, we were met with dead air and static. Then, we hear a digging noise coming from the front yard. We all went to the window, when suddenly a fisted paw came up from the ground. Then, an arm, followed by a body, to reveal..."MARJORIE!" and she was NOT happy. After she had fully risen from the ground, she slowly walked towards the door, and then tapped on it with her Hook hand. Then, she broke in, and shouted, " I HAVE COME FOR MY REVENGE!" then we all got beaten up, and eventually bolted from the house.

Back to Bluey: the next morning, I ran into Banjo again, only this time, he was writing some sort of note. Then, he left it in Bingo's locker, revealing it to be an apology written to her. After that, Banjo never bullied Bingo again, and neither did his friends.

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