The Homecoming

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Today is the day! I woke up feeling anxious and nervous about what was to come. My dad had asked me to come with him to pick up Bella from the airport since he thought it would be less awkward with me there. I don't understand where he got the idea that I could start a conversation with her if I had seen her a total of five times in my entire life. We had been preparing for her homecoming since the moment she had let Dad know she was going to come live with him so that her mother could enjoy traveling with her husband. I had been tasked with redecorating her room which was a hard task since I didn't know anything about her. I ended up opting for a purple vibe since it was the first type of sheets I saw in the store and just went along with it.  Dad couldn't stop talking about his excitement to see her as we drove to the airport. The car ride home was silent and awkward being as were all strangers just getting to know each other. Dad tried to cut the since by asking Bella about her hair which ended up adding to the awkwardness. Once I saw the house pull up into sight I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in. Seeing the house was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of discomfort. Once we parked I helped Dad carry Bellas's bag into the house as she observed what was going to be her new home. We showed her room before all of us stood there shyly waiting for someone to break the ice. After a while, we left and let her get settled in while Dad and I watched TV downstairs. She was not at all what I pictured her to be. She was shy and reserved which was the complete opposite of me who was loud and said exactly what was on my mind. After a while, we heard Billy and Jacob pull up to the house. They were bringing over Bellas's homecoming present which was an old car that Jacob had been fixing up. Since Dad had helped me pay for my car which was a Jeep Wrangler he thought it was only fair for Bella to also get a car. Bella eventually joined us downstairs as we introduced her again to Billy and Jacob. As soon as Jacob laid eyes on Bella I knew that he had a crush on her. He was always so obvious and after many years of knowing him, I learned how to decipher his feelings. After all the introductions had happened Dad told her that the car was hers to keep and use however she saw fit. Bella was extremely excited as she jumped into her new car hitting Jacob in the process who was following her like a lost puppy. I headed inside to get back to the TV in order to give Jacob some time with Bella. Once they had finished checking out the car they joined me in the kitchen while Dad and Billy watched the game. Bella had offered both Jacob and me to ride together to school which we declined since we both went to school on the reservation. We talked the rest of the night joking and remembering the few memories we had together as kids. At the end of the night, we said goodbye to each other and I got a ride with Jacob since I didn't have my car. Hopefully tomorrow I could get to know my sister better.

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