The Suspisions

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As soon as I got home I grabbed all of my things before heading over to pick up the boys. We made it to school surprisingly on time after a delay at Quils house. We all headed to our respective classes and later met up for lunch. During math class, we were going to be doing a group project for our midterm. Obviously, Embry and I paired up but then the teacher told us that she wanted to add someone else to our group since she thought he needed the extra help. We looked at each other questioningly before reluctantly agreeing. Embry and I had always worked really well as a group knowing our strong suits and our weaker sides and dividing up the work along those terms. We started to brainstorm ideas on what we should do for our project when the teacher came back with the students. When I looked up I was stunned standing there was Paul Lahote would be part of our group. Part of me was happy to spend time with him but at the same time, it was nerve-racking. We said hello, introduced ourselves, and filled him in on what we were doing as he sat down next to us. 

"So what medium should we do for our project." I said breaking the ice. "I guess we can make a poster I think it will be easier and we can work at your house like always." said Embry. "Is that ok with you?" I asked Paul. "Yeah, I'm cool with whatever you guys are." Paul said. After another moment of silence, I asked if he was ok with exchanging numbers so that we could communicate with each other outside of class. Paul looked at me before saying "Is that really why you want my number or do you want it because you feel something for me?" while winking at me. His comment caught me by surprise I just stared at him red-faced with huge eyes not knowing how to respond to his comment. Seeing that I had completely frozen he quickly said "Just kidding.". I laughed awkwardly while looking at Embry for support who was trying very hard to hold in his laugh. He eventually helped me out by saying "I agree I think that exchanging numbers would be ideal so that we can communicate when we will meet and what each of us needs to do.". We exchanged numbers right as the bell rang which I was thankful for because I wanted to hide from the embarrassment.  

As I was walking to my last class of the day I got a call from my dad saying that Bella had been in an accident and that they had taken her to the hospital. I immediately turned around and headed to my car to go to the hospital. I was very worried I knew that Bella was very clumsy but this was very serious for her to go to the hospital. I got to the hospital as fast as I could, I texted my mom and Jared to let them know where I was. I went inside the hospital and decided to wait in the waiting room for my dad and Bella. Half an hour later my dad reappeared to sign the discharge papers but Bella wasn't with him. Dad assumed that she had stayed behind to call her mom since he had called her to let her know. Bella later joined us in the waiting room seemingly deep in thought. I needed to remember to ask her about that later. We decided to head to the diner for an early lunch while Dad headed back to work. I decided to talk to Bella if there was any other update about Edward. 

"He actually showed up to school today which was surprising. He talked to me which I wasn't expecting and even tried to get to know me. We ended up winning a gold onion for our lab in biology today. He walked me to my locker but then he left in a rush when I questioned his eye color" she explained. I looked at her weirded out because who gets mad about being asked about their eye color? " After school, he was parked across the lot while I was at my car where the other car rammed into me but when I looked up he was right next to me and had been the one to push the car away." she told me. This was understandable for her to have a different perception of what happened it was a traumatic event and it could have affected her. "I don't think anyone has the amount of strength to push back an entire car or get to you that fast. Are you sure he wasn't closer and maybe your car was the one that stopped it from crashing into you?" I asked. "He told me the same thing but I could have sworn he was on the other side of the parking lot!" She exclaimed. " I believe you." I told her. "If that is what you saw then that is what happened." I said. I really didn't want to cause her to get worked up more than she already had with the accident. 

We ended up changing the conversation and then headed home. I dropped Bella off and then headed home to change for work. After I finished my shift I looked at all the missed messages I had. I had a bunch from the guys, one from my dad letting me know he was home and some from Jared. Once I reached the end of my notifications my jaw dropped in shock, I had received a text from Paul Lahote!

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