To New Beginnings

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School days at my mom's house were always noisy mornings as we all got ready for our day. My mom was a nurse at the reservation along with Sue Clearwater who she carpools to work every day. Then Jared and I would drive to school together while also picking up the dynamic trio. We would annoy Jared with all our jokes that he would practically jump out of the car as soon as we parked. Our school wasn't too big so our classes were small which I enjoyed because that meant that there was a higher probability of having a class with one of the guys. School went by fast when I realized it was already lunch. I headed to the cafeteria to grab something to eat and meet up with the squad. Embry and Quil were already at our normal spots when I got to the cafeteria. We waited for Jacob to meet us but as soon as he got to the table all he could talk about was Bella. The other two guys didn't help at all with their questions and wanted to meet my sister. I didn't mind talking about her but after a while it became redundant. Once the bell rang Embry and I walked to math together which was one of my favorite classes. This was one of my favorite classes because THE Paul Lahote was in my class. I had known Paul since we were kids yet never really talked since we had different friend groups. He was the guy every girl wanted to date with his bad-boy facade he put on but I knew it was just a defense mechanism. He sat in front of me in class but I knew that he would never go out with me especially after Jared made sure to scare off any guy that tried. Embry was the only one who knew I liked Paul because if the others were to find out they would make fun of me for the rest of eternity. The rest of the day went by fast when I realized that it was time to go home. I met up with the boys in the parking lot and dropped them all off at their respective houses. As soon as I got home I changed into my uniform and left to grab lunch with my dad. Eating at the dinner where I worked was our weekly meet-up. My dad had been coming to eat here for years because it reminded him of Bella and then became our tradition. I pulled into the parking lot and didn't see his cruiser so I decided to get our usual table and start ordering. I was later joined by my dad and Bella. We talked about Bellas's first day as people came by the table to say hi to her. After lunch, they both left while I stayed behind to work. I enjoyed my job being able to meet new people and say hi to the locals I had grown up with. After my shift, I drove home and decided to visit Bella before Dad got home. When I got home Bella was in the living room doing homework so I decided to join her. After a few moments, I broke the silence asking her if there had been any guys at school that had caught her attention. "I met someone in my biology class and I think I caused a bad impression on him," she said. At first, I was shocked that she was talking to me about boys given we have never been close but it was nice knowing she trusted me. "I walked into class and he reacted as if I smelled bad and then shot out of his seat seconds before the bell rang. At the end of the day, I saw him trying to switch classes and I'm not sure how to feel about that" she confessed. I knew that starting school in a small town in the middle of the semester would be hard when everyone already had their groups but I didn't think that it would be this hard on her. I comforted her saying that he was probably a self-absorbed idiot and that she shouldn't pay any attention to him. She shared more details about her friends than she had during lunch. After dinner, I headed home and something inside me had changed. After talking to Bella I hadn't realized how nice it was to have a sister who could gush over boys with me something I could never do with Jared or the guys. I had only had one friend that I got along with which was Leah, Sue Clearwaters older daughter but she was older than me so we rarely hung out together. After I got home I went to bed hoping that this was the start of a new relationship with my sister!

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