The Confusion

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Paul walked into the diner dressed in jeans and a button-up shirt a little too fancy for a diner. He walked over to me "Hi can I get a burger with fries and a milkshake please" he said. I laughed not expecting him to come into the diner. "Yes that will be 12 dollars please," I said. He handed me a twenty saying "Keep the change". "What are you doing here" I asked "I came to see this pretty girl I know that works here maybe you know her I think her name is Alana." I felt my face go red as he said that but I didn't know how to respond to that so I simply said " I will bring out your order once its ready" "Thank you," he said as he took a seat at the bar of the diner. I went to put in his order to the kitchen and then went back to talk to Paul. "Did your brother get mad that you were talking to me?" he asked out of the blue. "No, I said he was just weirded out" I lied. "Ok good I didn't want to get you in trouble. I know how overprotective your brother can be." he said. "yeah sometimes he can be overbearing but I know that he does it because he cares about me," I said "What time is your shift over," he asked " I should be off in about an hour," I said. "Ok I will wait for you to finish your shift and we can consider this our first date," he said. We spent the rest of my shift talking while he ate and I helped out the rest of the customers that came in. After my shift, we walked out to the parking lot. We had contemplated heading to the beach together but opted not to since it was getting late and I had to make it home. Paul walked me to my car and as we approached it he said "I had a lot of fun today and I feel like I am getting to know you better and I wish I would have done it sooner." "Me too. I really enjoy talking to you" I said "Would you like to go on another date with me this week?" he asked. "Yes I would love to!" I said as we stared at each other when all of a sudden Paul leaned in and kissed me. It caught me off guard but it felt so perfect his soft warm lips on mine. It felt like it was meant to be and he was the thing that was missing from my life. The kiss seemed to go on forever as if time had come to a complete stop until he pulled away and I looked at him dazed. "I will see you later I guess," he said winking as he walked away to his car leaving me there starstruck unable to move from what had just happened. I finally was able to move and get in my car and drive home. I knew that was something I was going to remember forever. 

The next day I woke up happily and excited to see Paul again. I checked my phone to see if anyone had texted me. I had four messages one from the boys asking what time I was going to pick them up for school. Another one was from my dad letting me know that we weren't meeting at the diner for lunch today because he was going to be late. The third text was from Bella asking me if I could come over after school to hang out. I responded letting her know she was in luck I had switched days with someone and wasn't going in to work today. The last message I received was from Paul saying good morning. I texted good morning back before hopping into the shower and getting ready for my day. I picked up all the boys up for school and when we got there the car that parked in front of us just so happened to be Paul. I waved at him when I got out of the car and pretended that I needed to look for something in the car and that I would catch up with them later. Quil had insisted on staying with me since we had class together so I wasn't able to stay and talk with Paul. I again saw him during lunch but wasn't able to talk to him because his friends had decided to eat outside since it was a nice sunny day which was rare in Forks. In math class, it was another day of lectures which made it impossible to talk so all we could do was smile at each other. By the end of the day, Paul had already left by the time all the guys finally made it to the car which bummed me out.

After dropping everyone off at home I headed over to my dad's house to see Bella. She was in the kitchen when I walked in. "Hey, long time no see." I said "Yeah that's why I invited you over I wanted to talk to you. I saw you at the beach with someone before you left with one of Jacob's friends." she said. I was shocked that she was asking me about this but I guess I had it coming after asking her about Edward. "He is just a friend we are working on an assignment together which is why Embry came with us," I said. I decided to continue with Embrys lie just in case Jacob asked I needed to make sure that I covered all of my traces. "Whatever happened with you and Edward." I said "Oh nothing we are I guess you can say we are friends now," she said nonchalantly. "What happened to the suspicion you had of him?" I asked "Oh nothing I was just going crazy I think it was the whole accident that left me seeing things. So do you like the guy in your group Jacob mentioned something about that," she said trying to change the conversation. "What did he say" I said giving in to what she wanted because my curiosity was peaked. "He told me how he had suspected that you had a crush on him but didn't know for sure since he knows that you would never trust him enough to tell him like you would with Embry. He also said how he hoped that it wasn't true because Paul wasn't a good guy. I hope you aren't getting involved with people that aren't good for you." she said. "You don't know him and neither does Jacob and I don't think you should be telling me who I can and can't hang out with," I said angrily. I hadn't realized how much it affected me about people talking badly about Paul, it was all happening too fast. "I have to go, I have plans," she said after hearing everything she wanted to hear. She ran up to her room while I walked out I was so angry that she decided to judge me like that. I decided to go home since Bella was heading to Port Angeles with her friends. As I was halfway I thought that maybe spending some time with my friends would do me some good.

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