The Incident

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It had been a couple of days since I had last seen Bella. I had been spending some time with my mom on her days off. Everything at school had been the same going to classes, hanging out with the guys, and working at the dinner. After my shift at work, I decided to spend the night over at my mom's since my mom had the night shift that day and Jared was going over to a friend's house. I also wanted to ask Bella how school had been going and most importantly if the asshole she had met had changed. Jacob had tried to tag along when I told the guys my afternoon plans but I immediately said no because I knew I wouldn't have a moment alone with her if he was there. When I got home everything was quiet and it looked as if nobody was home so I used my key to unlock the front door instead of knocking. As I walked upstairs I could see the light in Bellas's room where she was doing homework. When I called out for her she jumped seemingly being deep in thought. 

"You scared me! I wasn't expecting you to come over today" Bella said. "Sorry, I was alone today at home so I decided to pay you and Dad a visit and spend the night over since tomorrow we have late start at school. I also wanted to ask you more about the asshole." I said. She sighed before telling me about what had happened in the past few days "I wish there was more to tell but he hasn't been to school. I wanted to confront him for acting so cold towards me when we had never met before but he didn't show." I was surprised that she was going to confront him especially because I viewed her as too shy. " Maybe it's for the best that he is gone wherever it is that he went. Did you ever figure out what his name was?" I said. "Some of my friends said that his name is Edward Cullen," she said. This took me by surprise since I had never heard anything bad about the Cullens. Being the daughter of the chief had its perks because you knew a lot of information on everyone in town. 

Before I was able to ask Bella anything else Dad had interrupted us telling us that he had picked up dinner on the way home. After dinner, we all called it a night early since I would have to drive back home for my stuff early in the morning before school and there was only one bathroom for three people to get ready in. In the morning while we were heading out to our cars Dad informed us that he would probably be late to dinner since they needed his help with a case down in Mason County. supposedly someone had been attacked by a wild animal. This wasn't out of the ordinary here in Forks, growing up here cases of humans getting attacked by animals were something we had grown accustomed to which was clearly not the case with Bella who seemed shocked. I sometimes forgot that wasn't normal to most but we all said our goodbyes and told Bella that I would be back to keep her company after work. Hopefully, she had more information on the whole Edward situation.

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