The Funeral

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I drove to Jacob's house knowing that that he would be working on his cars in the garage and most likely with the boys. I walked over to the garage and I could hear the faint sound of music coming from there. I pushed open the garage door to see Jacob coming out from underneath his car as he groaned and massaged his head. He had hit himself with his car when I came in not expecting anyone to walk in. I laughed seeing that I had caused him pain forgetting that I was mad at him for what he had said to Bella. After a while of laughing, I remembered why I was there. "What are you doing here" Jacob asked. "I came to talk to you. Where are the boys?" I asked "They are home doing HW but should be coming by later. What do you want to talk about." he said. "I heard you had some pretty strong opinions about me that you seemed to have expressed to Bella," I said as he looked at me like a kid who had just gotten caught doing something they weren't supposed to do. "That conversation only came about because I saw you with Paul of all people. If you hadn't been hanging out with him I wouldn't have talked badly about you," he said slightly raising his voice. "We were together because we were doing a project but even if I was hanging out with him on my own accord you have no right to judge me or talk badly about me behind my back and with my SISTER!" I said with the same level of irritation I had with Bella coming back to me. "I just want you to be careful you know everything that has been said about Paul. I don't want to see you get hurt you are like a sister to me and I care about you a lot" he said. "I appreciate that but I can look after myself I am old enough to know what I am doing," I said trying to calm down understanding exactly where Jacob was coming from. We had been friends for so long that it felt as if I had 4 brothers instead of just one. "I will most likely be hanging out with Paul a lot more. He is a nice guy and is turning out to be a great friend so please don't judge me because I don't want to fight with you." I said almost pleading. "ok," Jacob said reluctantly. We hugged it out just as Embry and Quil walked in with pizzas and soda. "Alana what are you doing got tired of hanging out with Paul already" Quil joked. We all laughed as we each grabbed a slice of pizza and everything felt like it used to. After a few hours of hanging out with the boys, it was time to go home or at least that is what Billy told us as the sun had gone in and the noise in the garage had escalated from our laughs. I drove Quil and Embry home which they were excited about because they didn't want to walk home.

 I was exhausted when I finally got home. It had been too many emotions for one day that I collapsed on the couch in the living room. The house was empty and dark since my mom was still at work and Jared was most likely at a friend's house. I scrolled through my phone when I got a call from my dad. I was debating on whether to answer or not since I assumed that Bella had most likely told him about our fight in the afternoon but I decided to answer anyway. 




"Hey bug, I'm sorry to call you so late but I have some bad news to tell you" 

My heart sank this can't be good as he paused for a bit which I assume was him finding the best way to break the news to me.

"Waylon passed away"

"What how? When?" I said on the verge of tears

"He was attacked by an animal this morning. I'm so sorry I know how much he meant to you"

"Are you ok Dad I know he was one of your closest friends. Do you need me to come over?"

"Yeah, I am ok, and don't worry I am with Bella. I will come pick you up tomorrow during lunch so that we can go to the funeral together. Good night"

"Good night. I love you"

"Me too bug"

After I hung up I broke into tears this was the last thing I needed today. I couldn't believe he was gone I had known him my entire life and had spent so many Christmases with him at Dad's. It wouldn't be the same without him.  I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that Jared had come into the living room and was looking at me concerned. "Did Paul do something to you?" he asked immediately which startled me "No I said my dad just called me and told me Waylon died" I said in between tears "Oh" he said shocked at the news as he leaned in to hug me and comfort me. Jared had met Waylon a couple of times since our mother sometimes had to work on holidays so Jared and I would spend time with my dads. Jared had been like another kid for my dad even if he wasn't biologically related to him. Jared held me until all my tears had drained out of my system. "You should go to bed we have school tomorrow," Jared said as he helped me off the couch and led me to my room. "Are you going to be ok?" he asked me "Yeah I'll be ok" I reassured him. He walked out of my room as I got into bed before passing out.

I woke up the next morning feeling groggy and emotionally drained. I didn't feel like going to school but there was no other option. When I got downstairs Jared was already ready to drive us to school since he knew I wasn't up for it and he was going to have to take the car back home as well since I was going to go to the funeral. School felt to pass by slowly although I don't remember most of it. Dad picked me up from school and we headed to the funeral. Bella had decided not to join us since she didn't know him well and she had been spending more time with the Cullens. The service was beautiful and it was just like Waylon would have loved it full of jokes just like he was. Dad dropped me off at home since I had decided to call out from work because going back to the diner where we would see him would be too much. I sat at my window staring aimlessly at the trees that lined the back of our house. My phone lit up showing that I had just received a text from Paul.


"Hey is everything alright I got worried when I didn't see you in class today. Embry mentioned that you had gone to a funeral."


"Not really one of my dad's friends passed away but he was like an uncle to me"


"I'm sorry to hear that I am on my way"


"Omg you don't need to do that" 



Sorry for the late updates I have finals happening right now but I hope to be back to more regularly scheduled updates in two weeks. <3 Also if you guys have any suggestions or would like to see something happen in the story leave a comment.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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