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The call to leave it at only a moment in the evening ensured that you and Natasha were rested and relatively healthy for today. After waking up, allowing for more kisses along with the cuddles with her, it did not take long to suit up and eat up. It just so happened that the cafeteria did have an American breakfast, perfect for the couple. From there, ready to partake in a tourney, the Eagles walked to the assembly area.

"Ready for the first tourney Mav?" She asked.

"Ummm... This isn't my first." You pointed out.

"The first one you completed without some freak incident disrupting the whole thing." Natasha clarified.

"That's the pattern isn't it." You mused. "Outside of the Cecelia match, it's the same. We have an event. Something nefarious happens, disrupting and canceling said event. That one drone, the Golem, showed up while facing Rin. When Charlotte and I fought Laura, it was her Valkyrie system."

"Her what?"

"Laura told me about it. In fact, I'm supposed to shut up about it." The realization came with dread of potential consequences. "So let's move on before Chifuyu finds out about a security breach."

"I won't say anything." But Natasha smirked. "Unless of course, you want punishment."

"First of all, no. Second of all, what makes you think Chifuyu would want to carry out discipline that way, let alone is in to it?"

"Oh come on. She's a strict, dominating woman and she has feelings for you. Of course she'd think of it."  Natasha reasoned.

"Still a no. Just because I inadvertently pissed her off enough to confess and let loose doesn't mean it'll go well a second time." Then a lightbulb went off. "You sure you're not projecting?"

"Wha-? What do you mean?" For once, it was Natasha getting stirred up.

"I seem to recall a certain someone turn submissive quite recently." You chuckled.

"Shhhhhh! Only in private Mav." She hissed, trying to not let passing classmates overhear.

"Gotcha. Let me guess though, you thought of the others too."

"Not really. Not until now that is." At this, Natasha seemed to relax. "I'll bet you'll be surprised at who's most thirsty."

"But we're getting off topic here." You cut the subject short. "Moving forward, when we get a school trip, we got pulled into a intercept op, lied to about the fact their was a pilot in there by Tabane. We do a school festival, Phantom Task attacks. I celebrate my birthday, Phantom Task attacks. This is getting irritating quite frankly."

"Well maybe we don't get interrupted this time. Jinx." Natasha said to cheer you up.

"If we do, I'm gonna go straight to Chifuyu and tell her point blank that we need to do something. Consequences be damned." You declared. And surely she would see sense in that. This pattern of an incident happening during every academic event should not continue. In fact, why had the school not taken more proactive measures?

Regardless, all had gathered in the assembly area. In front of the students on the podium was Tatenashi.

"Good Morning everyone! Today is the day of the spectacular Tag Team Torunament!" She began. "I want to see every one of the participants put their hard work in to go at this with everything they got! And even if you don't have your own personal IS right now, I think this tournament is going to be something you can still learn a lot from. So please pay close attention everyone! Now that we've got that out of the way, let's show the brackets!"

The screen behind the Student Council President lit up and displayed the aforementioned brackets. Your eyes scanned the names, looking for yours and Natasha's plus whomever you were up against. You found it after ten seconds, and cursed your luck.

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