chapter 5

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I spent the next hour listening to a mix of acoustic songs and looking over my wall which was full of photos. My eyes looked at some of my favourite images. There were a series of black and white landscapes that I had taken when my family and I stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower. I could clearly remember pestering my parents to wait for me while I slowly tried to capture the full 360 degree view of Paris. They had been so patient as we battled through the crowds of tourists, all of whom were trying to capture the complicated sights before them. I had to admit, I was a little smug when I got home and printed the images. My idea had worked perfectly and now ran across my wall, creating the perfect stretched landscape of one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

The other photos were a massive collage of my friends and I on our various silly adventures or during our chill out sessions. They documented our friendships, as well as the changes we each went through individually. The pictures showed us from those uncertain early teenage years to the modern day versions of us that were confident and sure of our dreams and ambitions.

My plan had been to distract myself with the memories shown on the wall to try to calm my nerves due to the prospect of meeting Carlisle. I had thought it was working, but the slow passing of time told me otherwise. Finally, I saw the poster's eyes glowing and watched as it melted away to show a misty reflective surface. The next thing I saw was Edward stepping through the misty film, closely followed by a tall blonde man.

He was classically handsome with a slender body and golden blonde hair that somehow still shined, even in the dim daylight that filled my bedroom. His eyes softened from the initial nerves of this new place as his gaze settled on me. His posture and expression showed the caring nature that I knew was innate to Carlisle.

Edward stood silently next to Carlisle, reading his mind for his thoughts on my scent. That was my guess, and also what I hoped was happening, otherwise it was just an awkward pause.

The silence continued longer still.

I didn't like silences; they made me anxious.

"Erm, hi, I'm Holly Jules. I'm sorry if I have caused any worry for you and your family. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I don't even know what triggered it." I turned to the poster that had now turned back to normal except for glowing gold eyes. "Are the others watching through the mirror on your side?"

Carlisle smiled, his eyes lit up and I thought it was due to my cooperation. "Yes, they're watching. We thought it best that we were all aware of what you know. I hope you are OK with this?"

I couldn't help but feel a buzz that the rest of the Cullens were just on the other side of the poster, watching me through Edward's Indonesian mirror. I smiled toward it and waved like a goon, hearing Carlisle chuckle. I returned back to our conversation.

"Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?" Carlisle watched me carefully and I nodded, relaxing greatly as I saw the considerate light in his eyes.

"Edward said that he can't hear you unless you direct a thought at him, and I can clarify that your scent doesn't seem to affect us in the same way as humans in our world." He gave a slightly amused smile toward Edward. I briefly pondered why but soon got distracted from the thought as Carlisle spoke.

"Why, may I ask, do you have a poster of my son on your wall?" he asked, glancing over at Edward's printed form.

I blushed deeply.

It was a little embarrassing considering they have no idea about The Twilight Saga. Hell, it would still be embarrassing if they did. However, to them, I just seemed to have taken an unexplained liking to Edward without a normal cause.

Shooting the moon - Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now