chapter 10

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I had rethought the possibility of taking Edward out into busy public places. Our trip to town had shown that there were just some places that he couldn't go without getting hassled. So that meant we stayed at home a bit more.

We spent most of our time listening to music. I would introduce him to new music styles and artists, whilst he educated me on his favourites from past decades. Sometimes we'd go back to the park, or take a walk round the nearby countryside and beaches. I had yet to take him to my cove. To me it was like his meadow, special to me and I was waiting for the right time to show it to him. It somehow just didn't seem the right thing to do, too personal.

Although most the time it was just Edward who visited, the other Cullen's had started stepping foot into my world. Alice would come over and check out the latest fashions in our world, or bring clothes she'd found in her closet for Ash or me.

Once Alice started visiting Rosalie would sometimes come along, then Jasper would make an appearance, then Edward, Jasper and Emmett. Dad loved that day, he introduced them to rugby and revelled in the company of three boys as they cheered and ridiculed the players on TV. Emmett's voice could be heard half way down the street when a game was on.

All this visiting finally led to this moment when all the Cullen's except Carlisle and Esme now sat in our living room as we battled on wii sport, tennis. It seemed that the wii couldn't register their super fast reactions so that evened out the competition.

So far in our little tournament Alice and Rosalie had decided to pin their hopes on me winning for the girls' side since Ash lost to Emmett. Watching them had been hilarious, they were both very competitive and of course Ash was screwed when Emmett decided to block the sensor with his massive body. Emmett was now playing against Jasper to decide third and fourth place, then I would play against Edward to find the ultimate winner.

The score was currently 4 - 3 to Jasper. It was out of five. So far Jasper had been playing fair, but we could all see Emmett starting to let his competitive side take over. He was edging closer to Jasper every second.

"Ha suck it, Jazzy, I'm going to woop your ass goooood!" Emmett bellowed as he evened out the score.

"Bring it, McCarthy," Jasper replied calmly. He was keeping his emotions in check, but something was brewing underneath. He had a mischievous glint in his eye.

Alice giggled, closely followed by a wide smile sweeping across Edward's face. She'd seen something and the game was soon going to heat up.

The deciding game started and the gloves came off. Emmett served and dived at Jasper grabbing him in a headlock only to drop to the ground sobbing as Jasper returned his shot whilst he blasted Emmett with a wave of misery.

Emmett recovered swiftly and chose to try pinning Jasper's arms instead. Of course, Jasper retaliated sending an overwhelming wave of calm at Emmett. The next sight I saw was something I'm sure I'd never see again. Emmett eyes drooped as he tried to lunge to return the shot.

"NOOoOOOOooooo," Emmett slurred as he stumbled around the room in a daze.

He lost the game.

I couldn't help the loud laughter that burst from my chest; Ash and I were in hysterics. The image of Emmett stumbling round like a drunk was beyond strange.

He finally went to sit by Rosalie sulking over his loss as she lovingly stroked his hair and whispered condolences.

It was time. Edward and I stepped up to our places.

"You're going down, Eddie boy," I smirked at him; I knew he hated my little nickname for him but I was planning of doing anything possible to win this little tournament. Prove that humans could compete with vampires and win.

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