chapter 14

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OK spill! We want all the dirty details," Beth stated as they all stared at me.

We were sat in my living room after watching a cheesy chick flick. We hadn't talked about the party that happened a week ago.

Today was the first time we managed to all get together, Rianna had been busy with her new boy toy and Shevron had been trying to recover the house from the party. Although her parents knew it was happening, I don't think they had quite realised the state it would end up in.

So I had had a week to come up with some kind of story about Edward. Given my awful ability to lie, I doubted a week was going to be long enough.

"Come on, Holly! You can't bring a boy like that and not expect to be drilled later." Jemma had a point, it had been accepted in our group that if any of us introduced a boy we must then accept all questions later.

When Sara first met Josh the questions had lasted the majority of 3 hours.

"Well I can't just spill if I don't know what you want to know." At least this way I could avoid telling them something they hadn't thought to ask about.

"Me first, me first! Where did you meet him?" Shevron gushed. Her bright orange top making her face almost glow.

"That's simple; I already told you he's the brother of my friend Alice. The girl I stayed with that month a few weeks ago"

"That's not what you told us last time, you said you met him first, that he then introduced you to Alice." Rianna was on high alert she'd picked up on my stumble already, it was impossible to get anything past her.

"Oh yeah erm, well I was just in that really good music shop in town and he was there as well, we just got talking over a CD." Lie, absolute lie - although we did talk about music a lot.

"How old is he?" Jemma asked.


"He acts older than that; I would have thought he was at least 19. Where does he live?" Rianna was sceptical already.

These questions were simple; I knew they soon start with the ones that really interested them.

"His family live out in Jesmond. They got this huge house. It's stunning and has woodland surrounding it with a river running alongside. I think it's called Dipwood house or something." Another lie. I had looked into this a little more. Jesmond was the posh end of town but not too far away for it to be weird for the Cullens to visit so much.

"Didn't you say he's got brothers and sisters? Are they all adopted? What're they called?" Trust Sara to focus on his family, especially the fact he's adopted. This question made me a little uneasy. All my friends loved twilight, but would they put together the pieces. I had to do something.

"Yeah they're all adopted. There's James and Elliot his brothers and then Rachel and Alice his sisters. His mum and dad Carlisle and Emily adopted them all, even though they're pretty young. Must only be like 30 tops." I hoped the change of names would help. It's not like they would ever meet them.

"OK enough background stuff, how did you get him to come with you?" I flinched a little at Rianna's words. She sounded a little jealous that a guy like Edward would want to come with someone like me and yet avoid her all night.

"His family were going to visit some friends, and he had nothing better to do." I figured this would appease Rianna, ease her wounded ego. Plus maybe it would convince them I hadn't invited him as a date.

"Is he seeing anyone?" Jemma piped in, a little hopeful.

"Kind of, there's this girl that's perfect for him but I think he's just taking it slow. Getting to know her. There's no doubt they'll end up together." I smiled at the image of Bella and Edward. He would probably be with her now. Holding her close, telling her he missed her.

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