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Ashleigh's POV

I loved my sister more than anything in the world. She was always there for me from when I would fall during my first steps to when I needed help with my homework. She was always there to help me through it.

Now she lay in a hospital bed looking like shit all because of some idiot with a car.

Bruises covered every inch of her perfect cream skin. I had always envied her for her looks though I never told her. She however told me I was pretty every day. Now I regretted that I'd never said it back.

Her hair that used to flow down her chest in beautiful curls not sat lank and bloodied against her head.

Her sapphire blue eyes didn't sparkle anymore and were surrounded by more bruises making them appear puffy.

Her pouting lips were swollen, her bottom one split.

Yes that idiot with the car was going to pay for what he did to my big sister.

She had given me two pieces of folded paper to give the Cullen's later tonight but the hospital made me anxious and irritated so I figured there was no harm in delivering them a little early. It would do me good to get some fresh air.

I told mum that I was just going home to get some stuff for Holly; after all she would need some of her personal things around her whilst she got better.

I couldn't understand the look in mum's eyes it was like panic but she let me go anyway.

I was home by 5.30, the hospital wasn't that far away and the taxi was quick. It waited outside as I bolted into the house. I entered the portal and called out. I was in a hurry and wanted to get back to the hospital as soon as possible, so as soon as Rosalie appeared I thrust the letters into her hands and rushed back to pack some things for Holly.

I gathered her iPod, a few books, her sketch book, pencils, along with some pictures of her friends. I was busy zipping up the bag and turning towards her bedroom door to leave when I realised her room felt too cold. It didn't feel the same as when Holly was around, even if she wasn't in her room it still felt safe and warm. It would be nice to have her home again. She filled everywhere she went with smiles and warmth so now the house felt oddly deserted.

I finally got to the front door, as I turned to close the porch door behind me, Edward and Carlisle appeared. I jumped, I was kind of used to their speed but it was freaky how they seemed to just appear from nowhere.

"We're coming with you, and we're going now." They bundled me into the taxi and Carlisle told the taxi driver to step on it.

Something was wrong; something was in those letters that Holly hadn't told me.

For the first time since seeing Holly in the hospital unconscious and being rushed off to surgery, I felt fear. I felt like I was rushing against a countdown I hadn't even known existed.

I glanced at Edward next to me. He looked distraught like someone had murdered his puppy then flaunted its dead body in front of him.

"Carlisle, what's happening?" My voice was shaking.

"We were hoping you could tell us." Carlisle's voice remained calm and I tried to stop my shaking to give him the answer he wanted.

"Holly was in a car accident. Hit and run. They operated on her leg because it was shattered and she's got some bruising on her brain."

"Is that everything?" Carlisle seemed confused. As if that wasn't enough.

"As far as I know." We were at the hospital. Edward dashed from the taxi and headed straight for the entrance, Carlisle closely on his heels. I stumbled confused at why Edward was acting like this, him and Holly were just good friends. Sure there had been times when I thought there was something more between them on his side but Holly was always so closed up with her emotions.

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