chapter 11

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I spent the next few days watching Edward and Bella separately. I had yet to have biology with them both.

When they were in the food hall I would see Bella often look up at Edward, a look of wanting on her face. However, as soon as Edward returned the glance she would hide away back into Mike Newton's arms. Edward would then go back to whatever he was doing as we all messed on; the Cullens pretending to eat whilst I finished lunch. Edward seemed frustrated by something, my guess was the way Mike Newton held on to Bella, or the thoughts that he was thinking of her.

It was Wednesday when I finally had biology second lesson.

It was strange. I was fully submerged into the high school lifestyle. So as I walked to the lesson with Edward I nodded and smiled at people I recognised. Some even said hi. I actually felt popular. I'd always had plenty of friends but I was never the popular one. Just someone people knew. Now people wanted to talk to me, learn what I'm like. It sounds a little self-obsessive but I liked it.

I took a seat next to Edward at the end of the bench; this would mean Edward would be between me and Bella. We sat quietly watching as the classroom filled up.

Edward chuckled.

"What?" he seemed highly amused by something.

"It seems you're the new toy. All the boys are positively buzzing to see you in their class."

I blushed at this. I knew I looked good, it was impossible not to when your dressed by Alice, but I didn't think anyone but me would really notice it.

At this point Bella walked in with Mike, Edward tensed in his seat.

I can't imagine how he must feel seeing her with Mike, the pain of it must be unbearable.

Bella eased herself into herself into her seat and got out her stuff. Edward still hadn't said anything. I was staring straight forward so he didn't feel like he had to talk to me. I gave him a nudge

Edward, say something to her you idiot!

Edward rolled his eyes but followed my request

"Good morning, Bella." His voice was perfect, but Bella seemed startled. Did he ever talk to her? Why does she seem so shocked?

"Uh hello, Edward. How are you?" Her voice was quiet as she gazed at him her face looking a little dazed and confused.

"I'm very well thank you, Bella. I take it you've met my friend Holly." I smiled at her and couldn't help but notice the slight glare that she shot at me. Did she think I was competition? I almost laughed at the thought. If only she knew how wrong she was. At least her actions proved her feelings for Mike weren't what they seemed. Now I just needed Edward to get his ass in gear.

"Yeah we met in French on Monday. I think you're in my home tech and history class as well?" I continued to smile at Bella, Edward glanced at her and the glare she was giving me wiped clean off her face as she smiled and nodded.

The lesson started and we all focussed on our notes. I had again taken Biology along with art and English and French at A level so the work wasn't anything new. True to the book Bella was smart and flew through the work. This left the three of us sitting in a slightly awkward silence.

Edward, talk to her, get to know her. You've got nothing to worry about. It's not like you'll hurt her. You're used to her scent now. I know she seems quiet, but she really is a lovely girl.

Edward huffed and turned slightly in Bella direction. The look on her face was like she'd won the lottery.

I had to admit Bella wasn't quite what I'd expected. She was clumsy, looked like Bella, and she was a little shy but there was something underneath it that showed through. She may be shy at first but when I would see her with her friends in the parking lot or at lunch she didn't sit in silence. She joked and seemed ok with starting and holding a conversation. She may not look to be the centre of attention but this Bella seemed capable of being the centre of attention and doing it without turning bright red. I started to wonder if the Bella in the book was hiding some flaws, jealousy being one of them. After all, the book was written from her perspective so it would make sense for negatives to be looked over.

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