chapter 16

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Our arrival at the dance was quiet. We slipped through the entrance pretty much unnoticed. I was surprised anyone could ignore the Cullens. How could anyone keep their eyes off them as they moved through the bustling room towards a table at the far corner? Edward hadn't left my side since leaving the house. And I felt like electricity buzzed in the air between us. Had it always been there? Or was my mind playing tricks on me?

Once we were settled at a table I left to get a drink, Edward again at my side smiling.

What's the smile for?

I glanced at him as I waited for him to answer.

"Some people are wondering how long you've been visiting, but most are thinking about how absolutely dazzling you look." His fingers lightly brushed against the chain of my necklace. I sucked in a shaky breath at his cool touch on my collar bone.

I tried desperately not to think of the part of the dream when he had done something similar.

"I've missed not seeing you, Holly." He looked at me with those eyes. Those eyes that held a power I had somehow managed to ignore these past months.

I swallowed preparing myself to reply.

"Oh my God! Is that you Holly, you look so pretty! When did you get here?" Jessica had come waddling over with Mike Newton grasped in her hand. Waddle is the only way to describe her movement; her pale pink dress went into a tight pencil shape practically binding her legs at the knees.

"I'm just visiting, figured it would be nice to see an American dance, so here I am. I love the colour of your dress it really suits you." It was true the pale pink suited her hair colour and brought out her eyes.

"Come on, say hi to everyone." Before I could object she had dragged me off to her group. I looked back for Edward but he had vanished.

It seemed some things had been put back to normal when I left Forks High School. Mike was now with Jessica instead of Bella. This meant Jessica wasn't hassling Ben and he seemed happy with Angela. I hadn't seen Bella yet and wondered if maybe she sat it out. She always avoided dancing in Twilight.

The music filled the room and the atmosphere soon livened up. I danced with Jessica's group for a while till Eric started harassing me so I quickly escaped with the excuse of getting a drink. I returned to where the Cullens were last sitting. They all sat in silence, not saying a word; tension seemed to hover around them. Rosalie was glaring at someone near the entrance. As I looked to see who was at the end of the death stare I saw Bella standing in a delicate deep blue dress. The neckline was a simple sweetheart shape and sparkles ran through the bottom of the dress making it shimmer in the light. Her chocolate curls were soft and feminine. She looked radiant.

And because of that I battled with the spike of jealousy.

She shrunk away from Rosalie's glare and joined Angela, smiling at something Ben said.

The lively music that had played the majority of the night changed and a song I hadn't heard in two months filled the room. People exchanged confused looks; they would never have heard of this song. It wasn't in the charts; in fact it probably didn't even exist in this world. I swayed as the first few lines of 'A Drop in the Ocean' by Ron Pope played out. The melodious piano soothing my jealousy letting a smile light my face. I loved this song, but only one person truly knew that.

A drop in the ocean...A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together

"Would you care to dance?" An alabaster hand was extended towards me. I grasped it and walked onto the dance floor with Edward, to dance to the song I had told him was my favourite. Fairy lights dripped from the ceiling making it appear like you were dancing under the stars.

Shooting the moon - Edward CullenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon