Chapter 42

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Alfred pov:

I woke early in the morning and started thinking how to convince the girls and Lisa Mom to go away until 12,then i remembered that there is still Min-ho and another man in their torture room.
I headed to the kitchen and saw all of them there still sad.
"Goodmorning girls"
I said to them but they didn't respond.
"Still sad and angry?"
I said and they nodded.
"Why don't you go let out this anger to that shits in your base?"
I said and they looked at eachother and nodded.
"But wait i need Go-eun and Somi to stay cause i need them today"
I said and they both looked at me confused.
They said and remained here while the other girls headed there to their base and made a call.
"Felix,can you drive slowly and take your time cause Lisa asked me that"
I said and he agree with me and then hang up.
"Alfred what do you mean that Babygirl asked you that? Why she is not here?"
Go-eun asked me.
"She want to talk with all of us without the girls and Shin-hye.Just wait"
I said and they nodded at me still confused.
We headed inside and went directly to the conference room.
"Alfred can you say why we are here?"
Somi asked me.
"We need to wait for the others"
I said and they nodded.
After 5 minute they all arrived and i motion them to sit down.
"Hi everyone"
I said and they greeted back.
"Hi Alfred why did you call us here?You know we live here"
V asked me and i said.
"Actually is Lisa who wanted to talk with you all-"
I was interrupted by the ringtone of my phone,i look who were calling and see it is Lisa.
"5 minute and i'm there Uncle.They are already there?"
She asked.
"Yes Lisa they are all here.Then we will wait for you Lisa"
I said and she thanked me and hanged up.
"5 minute and she will arrive.Do you want something to eat or drink?"
I asked and they nodded i went out and go take some things to eat and drink when i heard a bike outside and then someone enter.
"Hey Uncle"
I heard Lisa said,then come to me and hug me.
"Hey Lisa they are all there in the room now"
I said and she smiled and nodded,she helped me bring the thing inside the confernce room.
"Hey Baby"
Somi immediatly greeted her and Lisa smiled at her.
"Hey Baby Lis.Why you called us?Something happened?"
Seulgi mom greeted her too and asked her that.
"Hi everyone"
Lisa then greeted them all and smiled widely at them and they all melted.
"I wanted to call of you to help me"
Lisa said and they listened carefully.
"You need to help me to do a thing but before i need you to ask you something"
Lisa said and they all nodded.
"You all gave your blessing to me to marry them?"
She asked them and they looked at her confused.
"Yes Baby Lis.But we are not all here.It miss Tzuyu mom"
Jeongyeon mom said and Lisa nodded.
"Uncle i tought that you called them all?"
Lisa asked to me.
"I didn't call her cause she is here i already said to a maid to call her in her room"
I said and Lisa smiled and we waited more.After some minutes someone enter and after seeing Lisa smiled.
"Hey Baby Lala and everyone else"
Tzuyu mom greeted.
"Hi Sohee"
Lisa responded with a warm smile and Sohee blushed,then  she talk again.
"Ok now that we are all here.I want to ask your help for something"
Lisa asked shyly and we all giggled.
"Don't need to be shy with us Baby Lis.So what help do you need"
Seulgi mom asked her while smiling.
"I want to propose to them"
Lisa said directly and everyone was shocked.
"I don't know if i heard it right?Fan you repeat please Babygirl"
Go-eun said mouth agape.
"I want to propose to them"
Lisa repeated now more loudly and everyone in this room were shocked.Lisa looked at all of them and then kneeled down.
"I know that is fast but i want to marry them.I already kneel to demostrate how i love them but if is needed i will do that again and repeat that i love them and i will do anything for get your permission"
Lisa said now knee and head on the floor and again everyone were more shocked and Chaeyoung mom was the first one to talk.
"Hey Lisa,you don't need to kneel down.i think that we all agreed to you to let marry all of them,we are just shocked"
She said and the others agreed with her.
"Yeah Baby Lili,she is right"
Sana Mom said now but Lisa were still down.
"I want only to heard that again Aunties and i will stand up then"
Lisa said and all of them tell her that they agree.Then Lisa stood up and smiled warmly at everyone and all of them awed at her.
"So Lisa what kind of plan did you want to do?"
I asked her and she became serious.
"I want them all out of this house for this week"
Lisa said and shocked everyone again.
"What do you mean Lisa"
I asked her.
"You heard it Uncle.I want them all away from here for this week"
She repeated.
"And how do you think we can do that Baby?"
Somi asked her and Lisa responded.
"Tell them that they need a pause from everything.Just a week and then they can comeback"
Lisa said but Jungkook intervined.
"Baby it's not that easy the task that you're asking us.They will go crazy not seeing you for a week"
He said.
"Who said that they will not see me for a week.I only said that i need them away from here for a week.I will go with them and then work in the night and then comeback in the morning"
Lisa said and we are all shocked.
"But with this method you will not have time for rest Baby"
V said looking at her concerned.
"About that you don't have to worry.I can rest some hours when i'm with them"
Lisa said assuring us but that wasn't really assuring.
"Lisa that's not calm me.You need to rest properly"
Chaeyoung mom said and we agreed with her.
"You don't have to worry about me okay?Just please help me do the work and distract them and it will be allright"
Lisa said.
"Baby Lili at least let us do most of the work.You already have to deal with them all"
Sana mom tried to convince her.
"No Auntie,i don't want to tired all of you.And i know if you work more than i ask you,i will tell the Felix to keep an eye on you all."
Lisa said finally.
"But Ba-"
V tried to say something but Lisa interrupted him.
"No more buts everyone.It's my final decision and nobody can change my mind.Now want to know my plan?"
Lisa said finally and we all nodded defeatedly.
"First of all i want to send them away.Uncle i know that they have a type of resort,can you call them and ask if they can close it for this week and let us in?"
Lisa asked me and i nodded and inmediatly called.
"Hi i'm Alfred.I want to tell you to close the resort for this week and leave there.Cause the Kims will going there with friends and their girlfriend.Thank you"
I said and they accepted and hang up.
"Okay Lisa i did that"
Lisa smiled at me and nodded.
"Okay,thank you Uncle.Second i ask you if you can hire someone a baker to made their favorite dessert and any type of things that they like"
Lisa said and V asked confused.
"But we have the maid here who can do that Baby"
"I don't want them to tired them so much"
Lisa said and i just shaked my head and called Candace that arrived immediatly.
"Candace? Who called you?"
Lisa asked her confused.
"Alfred call me here.Need something?"
She asked me and i nodded.
"Candace can you prepare all the things that we say to you?"
I asked her but Lisa intervined.
"No! Candace you can go back now"
Lisa said but i said.
"No Candace tell me,you can?"
I asked her and she nodded confused.
"Yes Alfred why?"
She asked me and i said.
"Cause Lisa want to propose to the girls but she want to hire some baker to do that"
I said and Candace were shocked.
"Yahh Lisa you wanted to hire someone else instead of ask us to do that?You don't like what we prepare?"
Candace said to Lisa who panicked.
"Nono that's not what i meant.It's only that i won't you all to tired yourself too much and put pressure on you all"
Lisa said and Candace awed.
"But Lisa you don't need to do that.We are more then happy to do that for you and the Masters"
She said and smiled.
"You sure Candace? Like i said if you are not then i will hire someone to do that"
Lisa said concerned but Candace just smiled.
"Don't worry Lisa we will do that.Trust us"
Candace said finally and Lisa nodded and smiled at her.
"Thank you Candace.I will tell them to give you all a bonus when i surprirse them okay?"
Lisa asked with a voice that you know that you can't no and Candace just nodded knowing too that she can't go against her.
"Okay then for the dessert it's settled.Now i need to hire someone who can settle firework and things like that"
Lisa said and we nodded.
"Then i need you all to help prepare all the things at the mansion like decoration and things like that"
Lisa said and we all nodded again.
"And for the last part i want some of you help search for the rings and what do you think that they will like more.Cause i want to give them a unique ring each"
Lisa said and we gasped.
"But Lisa.Can we know where do you take all the money you have?"
Chaeyoung dad asked her.
"I always had the money that my grandparents give me.I used them only when i really need it"
Lisa said and we nodded.
"So who will come with me searching for the rings?"
Lisa asked and all of them proposed.
"Oh i tought that nobody would propose.Then can i ask who know better in design or fashion?"
Lisa asked again and again everyone lifted her hands.
"Uhmm it's getting harder now"
Lisa said now and giggled.
"Okay then do 'rock,paper,scissor'"
Lisa said and i chuckled but everyone were serious.I was matched with Sohee and she looked at me seriously.
"Alfred let me win or i will beat you"
She said to me and i was scared and nodded at her,so i let her win and looked around who won.And saw that Chaeyoung mom,Seulgi mom,Jeongyeon dad,Sana mom,Somi and V jumping in happines while the others were groaning.
"So it's decided now who will come with me"
Lisa said happily and we all nodded.
"So where are the girls now?"
Lisa now asked shyly to us and we giggled.
"Just let me call them Lisa and wait for them okay?Now i can say to the maid to prepare the lunch"
I said and she nodded and i called them.
"Masters is almost time for lunch and Lisa is here.If you want to come"
I said and they all responded.
"Chain her Alfred,don't ler her go away okay?"
"Calm down Masters,she will not go anywhere"
I said and they just hang up on me and i shaked my head.
"They are coming Lisa"
I said and she nodded.
"Everyone don't say nothing okay?Say that you come here only to see us"
Lisa said to the parents and they all nodded and giggled.
I can't wait for their wedding.


Hi guys how are you?
Excited to see the wedding of them all? I hope you will be.
Have a good day and please be safe guys

The Only L.M we fell forTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang