002 - E. Nigma

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As soon as Jonathan and I left the room, I had heard something explode. I wasn't sure if it was the inmates or Batman.

'Maybe the GCPD?' I ask myself while following Jonathan. He had simply ignored it, or he didn't hear it. I knew we were going to meet Edward but, what if he refused to help? What if he held me hostage like he did Catwoman?

"Don't be so worried," Jonathan simply says.

I suddenly pulled a straight face, trying not to show fear. He'd use that against me if I showed it. "I'm not worried," I lie. "Just lead the way."

"He should be a couple doors down," Jonathan explains. We were going pretty fast, for walking. No one had bothered us either. Not the crazy inmates, not The Joker, not even the guards, which made me regret trying to act tough in front of Jonathan when I said this place was heavily guarded. As soon as we turned a corner, I bumped into someone. They let out a short yell and pushed me back. When they push me back I finally have a good look at them.

"Hey, watch it!" She says. It's Catwoman, in her full suit and all. "Jonathan?" She turns her full attention to him.

"Hello, Selina. Do you know where Edward is?" He asks, as politely as he could when she walks closer to him.

"Why would I know where he is? Do you know what he did to me?! But, forget that, now that you're here, how about we leave this asylum?" She moves her hands towards his chest, then wraps her arms around his neck. The scenery had made my cheeks warm, as I stood there, awkwardly, trying to not stare.

"Have you gone mad? I know, for a fact, that you do not like me," he pushes her away and it made me sigh in relief. I didn't want to see that anymore than the next person.

"Hm, fine. Your loss. Eddie's probably in the Arkham Mansion," she says, leaving without saying goodbye.

"Okay, the mansion. We've got to go there, but not be caught," he looks down at me. Probably trying to get a answer out of me. Not so easily with me, Mr. Master of Fear.

"Why are you staring at me? You're the one who owned this asylum. I just work here."

He growls, sort of, and turns away from me, mumbling. "I can't believe I'm helping you."

"Plus, I'm pretty sure you know the way out of here. From the numerous times you've been in here."

"You're lucky I don't have any fear toxin right now!" He turns back to me and yells in my face and I back away.

"It's not like you'd use it anyway!" I yell back.

"Even if I didn't, a lot of other people can still kill you! Torture you! Make you plead for your life!"

"Doctor Greene?" A voice had interrupted our yelling. I quickly turn my head, towards the voice, and spotted Edward. With green clothes on and a green cane in hand. How did everyone get dressed so quickly?

"Edward, we were just looking for you," Jonathan straightens his back, and pushes in his glasses. I glare at him.

"Really? I just seen the both of you yelling," Edward smirks, and leans on his question mark shaped cane.

"Jonathan's fault," I mumble and Edward chuckles.

"Is there a reason I am needed? And, is there a reason why Miss Greene is with you?" He asks.

"Well - " I start but quickly get interrupted.

"Lillian, begged for my help to get her out of here. So, I am helping her. But, I had needed your help on getting out of here," Jonathan says ever so smugly.

"I did not beg!" I defend myself, or, try to.

"Settle down, settle down. You're both so short tempered."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah - we need your help," Jonathan states.

"With escaping?"

Jonathan and I had both nod quickly.

"Ha, you both are like children." Jonathan squints at this comparison. "Alright, so, we need to go in the back of this asylum. There'll be a tunnel that leads into the Arkham Mansion, close to the gates, so we'll be leaving there," he explains, making sure to leave it plain and simple, but also not leaving out any details.

"Yes, hopefully no one will be there when we leave," Jonathan spoke in a quiet voice.

"Probably not, since the explosions and inmates at all in here," I say.

"I didn't ask for your opinion," Jonathan whipped his head at me and glared.

"I didn't ask for your opinion," I mimic and make a fake at him. I can see him get angry and almost start to yell at me again.

"Let's go!" Edward interrupts before the both of us can start arguing.

"Okay, okay! Truce?" I gave a questioning look to Jonathan. If I was going with him, I didn't want to be arguing with him the whole way.

"Eh, whatever."

"Shake on it," Edward demands. I gave him a short glance, huffed, and then stared at Jonathan. I hoped he would say no. It was already bad enough I was making peace with him!  But, of course, go my disapproval, Jonathan stuck his hand out. Giving out a low sigh again, I grab his hand and shake it quickly. Before I let go, Jonathan squeezed my hand. I looked at him and caught him staring at me again. I furrowed my brows in confusion. My cheeks flushed and I quickly pulled my hand out of his reach, glaring at him. Jonathan smirked, so full of himself for some reason.  After a long silence and a staring war, I spoke.

"C-Can we go now?"

"Of course, only if you both stop acting like children," a sly smile was dancing on Edward's face.

"We've already made a truce," Jonathan says.

"Then, for the second time, let's go!"

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