008 - Jealous Jonathan

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"Lillian!" Jonathan yells.

Oh boy.

I jump at his voice. Being yelled at in the morning was a thing I was never fond of. And there was no reason for Jonathan to be yelling, right? What's his problem anyway. I think he has anger issues, but some could say the same about me. Even I say that about me!

"What?" I say, sitting up from the bed. I stare coldly at Jonathan and he stares back.

"What are you doing?" He asks, his tone of voice almost frightening.

"I was sleeping before you barged in here screaming bloody murder." I deadpan, obviously annoyed by him.

"That's not what I meant! You were supposed to be with me," he says to me. I'm shocked by what he says, and jerk my head back quickly at his response.

I shoot it right back at him. "What's that supposed to mean? You don't own me, therefore you don't get to tell me what to do. Jonathan, I get the feeling that you're just jealous." As if I couldn't get any more annoyed, this just topped the cake.

"So what if I am?" He looks me straight in the eyes and it makes my throat dry. Huh? Had Jonathan confessed some sort of feeling towards me? Was that why he had been the way he was towards me? Before I could even think about replying, Jonathan leaves the room in a hurry and I give out an angry, loud, sigh. The annoying part was that I hated that he left. Almost as if I wanted him to stay. Gross! What's wrong with me?

All of this was ridiculous!! I can't be be liking these villains! What if I'm at the risk of becoming one? I'm not that stupid!

Luckily enough, Edward didn't wake up when I leave his side from the bed and the room. To be honest, I shouldn't even be here. I should have been home, getting ready for work right now. But, no, things never worked out for me. Why was I ever chasing after some villain who seemed to always hate whatever I did, even breathe!

"Jonathan?" I call for him as I close Edward's bedroom door quietly. Maybe I'm the stupid one for going after him.

"Lillian." I hear Jonathan's voice call out, and he appears from at end of the hallway. I didn't expect him too come so quickly and it makes me jump a bit.

"What was that all about? What's your deal?" I ask, tilting my head to the side, almost in annoyance, but it was mostly curiosity.

"You were supposed to be with me, last night," he spoke in a low voice, it was stern and demanding. He was acting as if he had control over me, or he could tell me what to do. If there was anything he had to do with me, it was not having control.

"The only reason I didn't go to bed with you was because I didn't want to," I say, telling him the truth. "You don't own me, Jonathan. You don't get to boss me around, tell me what I have to do, or control me. So, why do you think you already have the right to do that?" I ask, looking at him. I was calm, I wasn't annoyed or upset, I just wanted to know.

"You don't know, do you?" He looks back at me, flashing a quick smirk. He steps a bit closer to me, but that small distance was close enough for Jonathan to be right in front of me. What was he doing? My body was frozen - I was never comfortable in close situations. I didn't know what to do so I didn't do anything at all except speak.

"Jonathan - "

  He cuts me off by pressing two thin fingers on my lips lightly. My body begins to feel hot and I feel myself blush. God, why now? Was it because I was shy, embarrassed, or filled with anger? I didn't pick either by the time Jonathan removed his fingers from my lips. He leans his head forward, towards mine. He slowly closes the distance left between us and I never imagined him ever being this close to me. His lips press against mine, softly and hesitantly. It was slow, his lips were soft, and the taste of something sweet moves from his lips to mine. It is tangy, almost like an orange but it was a sweet taste over all. His lips move across mine and I stay frozen for a while. I cant really make out what he smells like, but it smells good to me. I let his cold fingers touch the back of my neck, making me lean into the kiss. My lips move in motion with his, almost in sync. Though, his face is a lot warmer than his hands. They give me chills as they touch my skin, pulling me closer.

What surprised me more than the actual kiss was myself kissing back. After all this time arguing and bickering, it ends with kissing and touching.

He is about to move away, but I grab the back of his neck and pull him closer than before. I'm sure it shocked him more than it did me. Though, he didn't protest. He places his hands on my hips, pulling me closer than I ever thought was possible. We are chest-to-chest at this point. It's most as if we've became one. One single organism that'll never feel the need of breaking apart.

His sweet lips, that I wish to never leave mine eventually did. And I look at him with a sad face, almost with puppy eyes. He smiles, it was short and I've never seen him smile like that. It's like a real, genuine smile. In all my years of working at the asylum, I've never seen an inmate show real happiness - and Jonathan showed just that.

"That was - "

"Great," I finish for him. My mood went from annoyed to happy. And I thought Edward was the only one capable of that.

I didn't know if I was thinking straight or not, or if I had finally gone insane. But, if there was one thing I was sure of - it was that I liked Jonathan Crane and wished to get more kisses out of him than possible.

"Jonathan, were you jealous?" I ask, tilting my head again.

"I didn't think I would be. I always thought I'd never like anyone - especially you due to us arguing. But, after seeing you with Edward, I couldn't handle it. I only realize now how much I truly take appeal to you," he spoke with a soft voice. It's the first time I'd ever heard him speak with his normal, calm voice. He was usually angry and upset when we had talked. Hlopefully that would change.

"Do you think this'll go further? Us, I mean?"

"I do. But only if we make it to be."

He grabs a hold of my hand and rubs it with his. He looks down and is silent. We stand here for a moment, me admiring every look and curve of his face while he stares at my hand. I don't know what he was thinking, or why he was doing that. But he spoke and lifts up his head after awhile.

"Lillian," I nod. "What is your greatest fear?"
*cough* I totally ship Lillian and Jonathan *cough*

Also, sorry I haven't updated since November, but new year new updates am I right?

I hope to write bigger and longer chapters to this book. Instead of the four to seven hundred words that have already been posted. Because who likes short chapters that go nowhere??

Anyway, I hope you liked this and are excited for the next chapter as much as I am! I hope you all had a great holiday and for 2016 to be your best year.



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