005 - Help

708 38 3

It's been a couple days since I arrived here, wherever that was. Jervis had stored me in a room, it was empty and damp. Cold, too.  Did he hate Alice, enough to make him be rude to me? I hadn't done anything. I simply obliged to everything he asked.

I had almost forgotten about Jonathan and Edward. Jonathan, he was annoying, but, he had helped. I almost made it off the island because of him and Edward. As much as I wanted to say I didn't miss them, I couldn't. Because I'd be lying. I missed Edward more than Jonathan, though. I didn't like being alone, I had always hated it. But here I am, alone in a cold, dark room. God, all I wanted was to go home.

"Alice! Dinner," I hear the, now annoying, voice of Jervis Tetch.

Oh great. It was always a gross oatmeal or porridge he fed me. But I was hungry and ate it anyway. If I didn't, he'd yell at me. My stomach growled at the thought of better food. The door unlocked, revealing a short, ginger haired man. Jervis Tetch. There was something off. I could tell. I felt it. Jervis seems shaky, and worried.

"Jervis? Are you alright?" I ask. I suddenly felt concerned and I didn't know why. Gross.

"Why, of course I am. Alice, what would make you ask such a silly question?"

"Well, uh-"

"Alright, Jervis! Let her out!" A voice calls out, interrupting me. It sounds like Jonathan. Had he come for me? But why?  I stare at Jervis for a while until he speaks.

  "Well, you heard him! Go!" His voice cracks and he sniffs. I can easily see tears in his eyes. I hesitantly get up, then slowly walk out.

"Who's out there?" I asks

"Help," a simple reply. It sounds like Edward. My stomach does summersaults as I smile.
Well, it's short. But, I bet you already knew that.

Anyway, Lilian is out now (she wasn't even held captive for long but, eh) so, they can get back to arguing and escaping Arkham Island.



Faded Fear || Jonathan Crane (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ