003 - Done And Gone

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"We're nearing the tunnel exit," Edward states, leading us to the way out of this hell hole. So far, we've made it halfways to the Arkham Mansion. Then, through there, we'd leave Arkham Island. I don't know who we were going to see or meet on the way out, and I didn't care.

I just wanted out.

Then, maybe - just maybe - when this blows over, I can start a new job. Maybe Jonathan and Edward wouldn't see me after this. Maybe I'd leave Gotham for the first time. Things had to change for this city, and Batman was trying. But, no one has really appreciated Batman's hard work. They've disowned him, saying he was the villain. Batman is the hero Gotham needs but no one wants. It was tough for him here, I'm sure.

"Lillian, would you hurry up?" Jonathan interrupted my thoughts with his annoying voice.

"Why don't you make me?" I remark with a cheeky smile.

"I swear- !"

"You guys, we have company," Edward calls out in front of us.

Just a second after he spoke, I hear people talking in hushed voices at the other end of the tunnel, where we were headed. How great!

"Who do you think it is?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"I think it - it sounds like Harvey...and, Cobblepot?" Edward answers, trying to listen to what was being said.

"Wait. Don't they hate each other?"

"Maybe they've formed an alliance? Who knows, maybe Dent is going to turn on Penguin," Jonathan spoke, much to my dislike.

"Oh, are we going over? Or just stand here?"

"Maybe if you'd stop acting like a baby, we'd get something done."

"A baby?! I am not!"

"Hey! Did you hear that?" A gruff voice said.


"Oi, Scarface, we still guns and weapons to hand out," Penguin calls out, trying to get Two-Face's attention.

"Damn it, Lillian! You're going to get us caught," Jonathan yells in a quiet voice.

"It's not like you haven't been caught before," I mumble low enough so no one could hear. There was no point in arguing with Jonathan with the risk of being caught by Gotham's most lethal crime lords.

"Alright, alright, let's get back to it." Two-Face attends back to his business with Penguin. I gave out a light sigh, and caught Jonathan staring at me while I glanced at him. I made a face of disgust to him, which made him look away.

'Why is he always staring at me?' I asked myself. 'Was he trying to get something out of me? Is it because I yelled at him in the asylum?'

I felt Edward grab my hand and push me forward, into the light where I could be fully seen by the two villains we've been hiding from. My foot slipped on a pile of gravel on the concrete floor. I gave out a short yell, and thumped on the ground, landing on my knees and scraping my hands. They start to bleed as they hit the rocks and I'm sure I cut my knee.

Next thing I know, two heads went in my direction.

'Crap, caught. Thanks Edward.'

  I hear footsteps walk towards me and stop just a bit away from me.

"Well, isn't it Dr. Lillian Greene. Funny seeing you here! Thought you would of ran off to Batman. Or maybe his pet, Robin," Two-Face said, his voice low and gravely. I could tell it was his, um, other side talking. Harvey Dent didn't talk like that.

"We're going to have fun with this one," Oswald chuckles, showing up behind Two-Face.

"Wait!" I quickly get up from the ground, holding my hand out to stop them. "What did I ever do to you guys? I was the one trying to help you when you were in the Asylum. This is how you repay me?" I was trying to get them to feel guilty. Because, really, what did I do? I doubt it would work against these guys.

"She's right. We shouldn't be hurting the people who help us," Harvey spoke this time, with a voice that could break a heart.

"Piss off, you little softie!" Penguin took puffs of his cigar, shoving the man beside him to get him to snap out of it.

"Harvey, don't take pity, she wants us to feel guilty!" He spoke to himself. It was a thing I've always wanted to cure, but never could.

"Aha, it is I, Edward Nigma!" Edward jumped from behind a crate, that he kindly pushed me away from - note the sarcasm. No one seems scared or surprised in the slightest. Two-Face also laughs at the man in green.

"Oh, boy, here he goes," Oswald mumbles. I almost laughed.

"I see you've met our ally, Lillian Greene," Edward smirks and points at me. I almost feel like hitting him for setting me up.

"She's not your ally, she's just a child, who thinks she's tough," Jonathan comes out of hiding, appearing behind Edward.

"Am not! You're more of a child than me. And also, you offered your help," I cross my arms. Okay, so maybe I was a teeny bit like a child. But, I didn't care. I didn't like Jonathan. Never did, never will. He doesn't serve it.

"This little lady; your ally? Have you both gone mad? She couldn't even win a fight against herself. She'll most likely rat you out, they all do," Oswald says, taking a puff from his cigar and blowing it out. They talked about me like I wasn't even there. Like I was the hot topic in the news articles. And I didn't like it. So I decide to stick up for myself.

"Look, I just need to get out of here. So, Eddie, would you kindly not shove me into anymore of Batman's enemies? Thanks." I give him an annoyed look and he frowns at me.

"You were a decoy. Obviously, it worked. And are you aware that we are also Batman's enemies? How are you even a doctor?" Jonathan says, squinting at me like I had one braincell.

"And, would you stop starting an argument with me? I know you don't like me, I don't like you either nor do I care about you. I would've left you in that room if I hadn't taken pity on you." I retort, tired of his excuses.

"You call that pity? It was more like fear. Fear of having my blood on your hands, if I had died," he smirks at me for the millionth time this night. It was starting to annoy me.

"Enough! I'm absolutely done with you. If you don't want to help me, then fine, I'll leave by myself. You've told me the plan anyway," I start to walk away, my hands in fists. I had forgotten about the pain on my palms or my knee. I rush down the tunnel to my sweet escape off this hell island. I hear Edward call for me, but I ignore it. I didn't want to deal with them anymore.  My skin felt hot as I became more angry. My hands became sore from clenching them for so long, as well as my jaw.

  After awhile, I finally made it to the end of the tunnel. I made it to the Arkham Mansion. I read a sign that simply said EXIT in red letters. Quickly opening the door, I saw flashes of police and ambulance lights. I was behind the mansion, close to the gate. So close. My heart started beating fast and beads of sweat began to form as I ran to the gate. I was so close. So close to freedom.

Before I could actually get to the gate, I felt something hit the back of my head and I fall to the ground. I couldn't even yell out in pain.

A man with ginger hair was the last thing I see before I lose my consciousness.

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