004 - Wonderland

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"Alice! Wake up, Alice!"


Who was that?

My head ached as I tried to rub it. But, I couldn't even move my hands. Why? I didn't know. I didn't even remember getting to where I am now, I didn't know where that was either. I had no idea of anything. I remember running, going to the Arkham Asylum gates. And that was it.

What happened to Jonathan and Edward?

Then I remember they used me as a decoy. Those idiots. I remember running from them, too. I regretted that now. Why had I tried acting tough? Why did I run from them? I bet it was all Jonathan's fault! Damn him!

"Alice, you're awake! Would you like to join me for tea?" Someone says in my ear. I instantly recognize the voice. The Mad Hatter, also known as Jervis Tetch. Lifting my head up and looking at him, I saw his tipped hat and red hair.

"Huh? Why am I here?"

"Why, you're joining me for tea, silly! We do this all the time, Alice. Do you not remember? Have you gone mad?" He tilts his head at me, as if I'm the weird one.

"I'm not- Ah, not Alice! I am Lillian Greene, psychologist for Arkham Asylum. Why do you have me here?"

"No, no, no. You are Alice. You look like her!" He whines and pouts.

"I don't understand. How could I possibly look like Alice? If I look like her, then I am not her! You're basing my looks of someone that probably isn't real! You have gone insane!" I explain, hoping I'd be able to get it through with him. It didn't work, as expected.  I stare down at the table I am seated at. On my left, there were empty plates and cups, same as on the right. It was just me and Jervis seated here.

"I don't understand. Why me?"

"Because, you're Alice? Or maybe not? I don't remember Alice being this empty minded."

Did he just insult me?

I let my head fall, making a few strands of hair fall. It was odd, my hair wasn't its usual dark brown. It was an abnormal, almost yellow, blonde.

Did he dye my hair?!

She ran away. How could she? Did she know how dangerous this place was? She obviously wasn't thinking, like always.

"Have you seen her?" Edward asks me again. We're on the search to find her. She couldn't have left that quickly,!right? Right?

"No. How many times do I have to tell you? I've been here with you the whole time," I narrow my eyes at him. Why did he care so much? Did he have a soft spot for her? He was being suspicious.

"Calm down! And just so you know, Lillian can actually help you with your fear toxins. She knows just as much as you, when it comes to fears and whatnot," he smiles at me before beginning to search again.

Hey, whattya know? This Lillian chick seems all right to me.

"How do you know?" I ask, curious now.

"She tells me things. Because, you know, she actually likes talking to me," a smirk appeared on his stupid face.

He's lucky we don't gas him!

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