007 - Safe House

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We finally arrived to the building that Edward said we'd stay at. The outside was gross! There were vines wrapping themselves around the sides of the building and the bricks had grown to have moss. It looked old and the wood looked rotten. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen apart or anything. But the sight of it all, it made me want to vomit.

"Home sweet home," Edward attempts to make a joke, to which he laughs at himself for.

"It's not very home looking," I say, stepping inside after Edward unlocked the door.

"It's the closest to home. Unless you wanted to walk half a mile to the better looking one," He suggests. He was obviously tired. Running and hiding from everyone was tiring. Even I wanted to fall on the carpet and sleep. It seemed clean enough.

"Sleeping arrangements?" Jonathan asks.

"There's two bedrooms. One with a queen sized bed, so two can probably sleep there. The other has a single sized bed, I'll sleep there. The couch is comfy enough. I'll be in my room," Edward walks away, taking his shoes off by the door first. He drags his feet across the floor when he walks, obviously very visibly tired. I hear a door shut down the hall and a short click, meaning he's locked his door. After a while of observing the place, Jonathan spoke to me.

"I'm guessing you want the bed."

"It really doesn't matter. I just want some comfortable clothes," I chuckle, but Jonathan didn't laugh at my horrible joke. Why am I so suddenly awkward?

"I'll give you the bed. You can ask if Edward has some extra clothes." Jonathan sits on the couch and lays down on his side, to sleep. He took off his glasses and planted them on the end table beside the couch. He was still in his orange outfit from Arkham. It was odd how no one had spotted us.

"Goodnight and thank you," I mumble lowly, before walking to Edward's room. The shoes that Jervis forced me in clicked against the wood floor and it made me regret not taking them off as soon as I walked in. Although these were uncomfortable, I still kept them on.

"Eddie, I was wondering if you had any extra clothes," I ask, not before knocking. I hear the floor on the other side of the door creak with some footsteps and then the door swings open. I almost choke on my saliva at the sight of him. Edward is shirtless, his glasses were off, and he's wearing a baggy pair of green sweatpants. At least he has a favourite colour, I guess.

"Huh?" He squinted at me, mumbling some words at I couldn't make out. It was just like he woke up. He probably did, but then again, I doubted he had fallen asleep that fast.

"I'd like to have another pair of clothes, if you have any," I tried my best not to stare at his chest. God, he just had to be shirtless huh? He had probably known I was attracted to him, it was obvious. As a teenager, I was never great at hiding my feelings. I don't think I improved, to be honest.

"Um, maybe. I'll go check. Be right back," he says, walking into his room.  He leaves the door wide open. I'm able to see what's inside - a small bed, with a green comforter, black sheets, and a few black pillows. I wanted to fall on it. It looked really comfortable. So soft. The walls were grey, with a few framed paintings. I doubt Edward had bought them.

"Here you are," Edward hands me a small pile of clothing. A grey T-shirt and red pyjama pants. It's good enough for me, I just hoped they would fit. I thank him, say goodnight, then leave him be. I make my way to the bedroom he said I could sleep in. I didn't even know where it was, so I search.

Kitchen, no.

Bathroom, no.

Living room, no.

Dining room, no.

Another bathroom, no.

Bedroom? Yes!

The room was far away from the others, the very end of the hallway. It was eerily quiet in the house, the floors creaked with every step I took. I open the door, step inside and quickly turn around to lock it. I quickly change to the pyjamas from the dress and jump on the bed. It was such more comfortable than I imagined. But it's been a long night, so I think a chair would be comfortable for me, even. I want nothing but this. A nice bed, and a good sleep. The room was very big, almost empty. I lay down, closest to the end table, which had a clock and lamp on it. There's a dresser, at the far corner of the room, which probably held Edward's clothes. I could tell it was his room, there is green question marks on the walls and books of riddles filled the shelves on the walls. I almost instantly fell asleep after I shut the light off. But my rest didn't last as long as I wanted it to, not that long at all actually. I probably only slept for half an hour before I woke up to someone knocking at the door.

  Sitting up, I turn on the lamp. The knocking continues, not stopping any time soon. Groaning, I get up and walk to the door. Before another knock was given I throw open the door.

"Jonathan?" I was not expecting him.

"Lillian," He greets. "I was wondering if you'd let me share a bed with you. Edward wouldn't want another man in the same bed as he. Those couches are awfully hard," he rubs his back. I stare at him for a while, thinking.

Jonathan? Sharing a bed with me?


"Why not?!"

"I don't forget those death threats you gave me, sir."

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've done it already."

I mean, I guess he has a point. But still.

"Why haven't you?"

"Why should I? You could work with me. Plus, how do you expect to get back home, or to Arkham?" He explains to me, almost leaning towards me.

"Work with you? Why?" I'm confused by him saying this.

"You could master the concept of fear, with me. I'm sure you basically know almost everything I do. And if you don't, I could teach you things," he smiles at and it was kind of scary. It was odd to see him smile. An actual smile. Not once have I seen him smile, not in Arkham Asylum or in trial. It gave me the heebie-jeebies. I decide to change the subject to prevent this conversation from going any further.

"I guess you can sleep here, if the couches are really that bad," I step back, allowing him inside. He mumbles a small thank you, and walks inside.

'How the hell am I going to get out of this?'' I question myself, regretting the decision I had just made. Things never seem to go my way, recently. Shutting the door behind me, I left Jonathan alone. I told him I need to use the bathroom. He nods and gets himself ready for bed.

No way was I going to be in the same bed as him! We'd end up killing each other, honest! I'd rather be with Edward. That's it! I'll sleep with Edward, if he'd let me. I'm so genius! So, instead of using the washroom like I said, I wonder over to Edward's room.

"Lillian, again," he replies after a handful of knocks.

"Yes, I was wondering if you'd let me sleep with you," I smile and Edward gives me a puzzled look.

"What - ?"

"No! Not in that kind of way. I mean, just be in the same bed as you. Jonathan had fallen asleep in mine," I explain, my face flushing red. God.

Ed gives out a short laugh and pulls himself away from the door.  "Yeah, yeah, sure," he opens his door wide, and welcomes me in.

  That night, we had fallen asleep together, in the same bed. It was comfortable, I guess. But the bed was small and it barely fit both of us. But it was better than sleeping with Jonathan for the night. When I woke up, Edward had his arms wrapped around me but that had ended when Jonathan bursted through the door and I shoot up off the bed.

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