010 - Welcome to Fear

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Trigger warning! There's some things in this chapter that may trigger some people, so just be aware! <3


He screamed, as I expected. He doesn't understand what was happening to him and that scares him. It was dark in the room, another reason why he screams. I know the mask scares him. Scarecrow scares him. He doesn't know what he was in for. He doesn't know why this was happening. But we do.

  He had raped a girl. She was just a teenager, a high school student. Her life is ruined. This is why he is seeing his greatest and worst fears. He sits on a steel chair, barbed wire wrapped around him. I hated it. It was messy. I know I could've done better. He wasn't going to die from this, I knew that. This is for what he did. This is what he deserved.

  "Are you happy for what you did?" It wasn't me who spoke. It was Scarecrow. He just wanted someone to torture. I wanted it to be someone who deserved it.

  He got the insanity plea, and was admitted to Arkham, but I don't seem to care all that much. I don't work there anymore. Instead of being brought to Arkham Asylum like he was supposed to, he was brought to me - by an ally that I've had throughout the years, inside of Arkham. It's how I've gotten many of my test subjects. I hadn't finished what I started at Arkham, but vowed to finish it.

  "No, no, no. No. I didn't mean to!" He shakes his head, eyes shut tightly. "I'm sorry. Oh god, I'm so sorry." Tears come down his eyes, his chest heaving, and his hands trembling uncontrollably.

  "So now you're sorry? After everything you did?!" Scarecrow almost screams at him. He wasn't angry by the fact that he had raped a girl. He couldn't care less about that, he was angry at me. Scarecrow wanted to kill him, like everyone of our test subjects. But I wouldn't allow it. Instead, he attacked him; hitting him everywhere possible until the man started to cry. He didn't stop, even then.

  'Calm down.'

  'I'll be calm when he's dead. Look, Jon, he deserves it. You know it. He shouldn't even be allowed to see tomorrow's sun.'

  'His name is Bill.'

  'Like you care.'

  'I don't. But I also don't want some officer friendlies coming here and finding a dead body with our hands on it.'

  'You mean your hands.'

  'You're not killing him.'

  I knew Scarecrow would get angry at my demand. And he did. He took his anger out on Bill. Hitting him and injecting more of our fear toxin in him. I don't know why I call him by his first name. It doesn't matter. I know it doesn't. Maybe it made me feel more comfortable with what I was doing. It doesn't bother me anyway, so why did I need comfort? This is what I live for. This is what my life consists of. This was the reason why I was named The Master of Fear.

  My mind wonders a bit, while I let scarecrow take control. I start to think about Lillian, how she would react to this. After our kiss, she hasn't even looked at me in the eyes. I know she doesn't hate me, we started to sleep in the same room, on the same bed. But there's some obvious tension. At first, I didn't want to kiss her or even be in the same room as her! I've never been the one for human interactions such as kissing or touching, I rather sit in my own fear toxin than kiss her. But that was before--

  'Hey, lover boy! We have business to deal with. Stop thinking about her.'

  'Don't call me that.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2019 ⏰

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